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I killed an opossum (no 56k)


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I have no issue with him killing it, but I personally believe you shouldn't torture shit for fun.


possum, fish, dog, cat, whatever.

there was no purposeful torture, i was trying to kill it quietly without a gun. It scraped the shit outta my dog so it had a reason to die.

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u definitely have problems man. torturing an animal is bad enough, but now its babies have little chance of living too?

did you read my post at all? heres a summary

-I couldnt shoot the fuker or i would have

-it scraped up my dog and could have diseases it has no reason to live.

-Reynoldsburg fired the only lady in charge of animal control here so it wouldve gone to city of columbus and taken days for someone to respond.

-I never planned on torturing it, only killing it to save the risk to my 4 dogs. I have 2 chihuahuas half the size of that thing. When the darts werent phasing him I went with something sharp.


I dont have children so here's how I see this


if a wild dog came up and bit your child what would you do? Call the police or do any damn thing you could to get rid of it. Fuck people get real

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and then the woodpile and the woodfence it was hiding in would have burned for days


look an opossum is like a bigass rat if you saw a bigass rat trying to fuck up your dog or cat would you kill it, or say oh look at that cute little big ass rat lets see if it eats my dog/cat?


if it had babies they will die and there will be 10 less rat things running around in reynoldsburg

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I have a problem with the tacks, but, do understand the motive behind it.


Lighting it on fire is wrong, animals do feel pain. How you you like being lit on fire? If you can't even spell "lighter" please do not attempt to suggest a proper means of killing.


Pellet gun would've been my choice, but we use what we have.

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did you read my post at all? heres a summary

-I couldnt shoot the fuker or i would have

-it scraped up my dog and could have diseases it has no reason to live.

-Reynoldsburg fired the only lady in charge of animal control here so it wouldve gone to city of columbus and taken days for someone to respond.

-I never planned on torturing it, only killing it to save the risk to my 4 dogs. I have 2 chihuahuas half the size of that thing. When the darts werent phasing him I went with something sharp.


the city wouldnt take it...you would of had to call someone to remove it. Those who would take it would be Varmit gaurd if you wanted it killed or Humane Wildlife Solutions if you didnt.


I have no problem with you killing it if you felt threatened, but shit come on. Looks like a 6 year gave you lessons on how to kill something.

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It was a pest. If it had babies then they will die too. Seriously it was trial and error thing. Derek is not a normal animal killer if anything he is a hard core animal lover. I make fun of him all the time for his pack of dogs. He and his wife even take in dogs from shelters temporality just to keep them from being put down.

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