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1-18-08/cloverfeild help...


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anyone help catch me up on the research lately on this movie and http://www.ethanhaaswasright.com. Been watching some of the vid peeps have put up on you tube a google video about it and their finds. Whats the website's http://www.ethanhaaswasright.com connection. I mean the "puzzle" yea so i take it from one video that there are numbers you can find in the trailer that can be used with the puzzle? or am I off a little? anyway if you need me to explain and link some of the vids i will. if you have been doing any of the research yourself and have a clue to the babble above. let me know.


here is a list that i know of of the viral sites connected someway or another to the movie...


of course... http://www.1-18-08.com


then http://www.ethanhaaswasright.com : http://www.slusho.jp : http://www.thehansofoundation.org :http://www.tritonindustries.com


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I read your post 3 times and still have no idea what your talking about. Its safe to assume we've all seen transformer's so if you have a question just say so. Maybe its just me but your post doesnt make any sense.


he is talking about the trailer that everyone saw before transformers. the one where the ppl were partying and then shit starts going down and the head of the statue of liberty comes flying down the street...



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