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Theif Hurt

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Pulling the trigger is 'use of deadly force' no matter where the gun is aimed or what you hit. This can get you into a shitty situation if you shoot the guy in the leg as he runs out of your house. Plus, there are plenty good odds that the fucker runs into the woods and dies of blood loss, and then you're just as screwed. If you shoot someone, it had better be square in the chest, at close range, and there better not be any witnesses that suggest he wasn't directly threatening your life... At least that's what they say, as for me I pray my pistols and training will only ever be a deterrent.



Where is this shop, anyway? I would guess either cleveland ave or West broad somewhere in the Sullivant area. And the police wouldn't do anything to help even though it's obvious the thieves are hitting it on a predictable basis?

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You can't shoot anyone unless you feel they are going to kill you. Thats the law.


exactly. this is also exactly why you NEVER shoot someone in the leg... shoot them in the face. then its your word against a dead man's... and dead men tell no tales.

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In high school one of my friends got put in jail for 30 days until he made bail b/c he shot and killed his step-dad who was beating his mother to death basically. He shot off 8 rounds and they tried to put him away for manslaughter. I'm pretty sure he got off though.
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The laws in ohio about shooting people on your property stealing from you are definately bull.Fortunately for me I will not dcall the law if someone is stealing from me.I just hope they told there family goodbye before they come theiving from me.Because I promise thats the last time they will see them.And your right deadmen tell no tales,and no deadbody does either.
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I'm thinking the guy had a weapon and I was in fear for my life. How was he getting the cats off of the cars, looked like a weapon to me.


BTW, when are the cops going to go to that damn metal place and get them to stop buying cats? Or start following the crackheads that are stealing them?

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