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I just wrecked the trans am


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Oh man, this sucks! I just smashed into the 270 wall getting onto 161 from easton area. The car is pretty bad, but i am happy to say im fine and nobody was involved but me. My neck hurts a little, but for car is a different story. no t-tops and hitting a wall at 55 was scary shit. Looks like i will getting rid of the car. Who knows tho i will find out come morning with my insurance.


everything seems outta place and touching. my bellow is twisted and crunched.












I have pics now i will be uploading soon. The whole car seems very tweeked. I feel as if i was in a fight, my neck is the only thing really bothering me right, i am going to get checked out today.


How it happened.


I was heading north on 270 toward 161 and about to get off, my t-tops were off and a shirt that was in my back seat flew up and i went to grab it and served alittle then over correct and the rest was history. after about 3 180s, then sliding sideways the front end hit the wall and spun me around i hit the wall again in the rear. I thought i was a deadman with dops off and i thought the car was going to flip, but i just flew up ibto the t-top cross member and smashed back down which broke the driver seat. when i was stopped i took the car outta reverse(dont know how that happened and slamed into park and restrted the car and drove a mile to my parents house. the car doesnt seem that bad for hitting a concrete wall.. twice. I have had a pretty clean driving recond before this; just a speeding ticket when i was 18.


pics are coming. camera phone style but that is all i have with me. i will much better pics soon.

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Good to hear you're OK. Do not give the car up without finding out the buyback price.


Yes, as long as the frames not bent or more work than its worth. How exactly did you hit it?


good to hear your ok.........imagine what a nascar driver feels like going into the wall at 160+ YIKES!!

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Dang man, yeah kinda looks like my old camaro when something like that happened to me. Jacked up my rear axle, some good body damage, popped off some interior panels, threw off the alignment to the point where the steering wheel was a good 80 degrees off to go straight, and some other stuff. All that happened to me was a concussion from hitting my head on where the t-top and window meet. My car was totalled, but then again it was only worth 4k at the time. Best of luck with everything, and def get your neck checked out soon. Neck injuries arent something to mess with...
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Sorry to hear your pain- I did a similar thing in my '96 LT1 Formula- standing rain, hydroplaning rear end, attempt to correct, spin, hit wall, total loss. I didn't ask about the buy back but wish I did- I stripped all the aftermarket parts off of it in the gas station I hobbled to though and sold them for almost what I paid on eBay. I was extremely bummed/depressed for quite a while... Glad you are ok... Now start looking for a replacement--


Don't go for less than a v8 you will miss it. I tried to be practical and ended up giving the brand new 04 RSX type S to my wife that I had bought as a replacement and driving her '95 240 SX until I could sell it for a fox body.


Good luck!

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Wow, sorry to see this happen. Like Brian said, glad your ok, and the cars can be replaced. Go to the doctor for sure though, make sure you are ok. So you don't have issues down the road. Best wishes!
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Deja vu. I am glad you are ok man. I totaled mine when my car did the exact thing. Go to the doctor. You will have issues down the road if you do not. I thought I was fine and come to find out I was not. Breaking the seat can cause damage that if ignored can cause big problems down the road!
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Wow dude!!! :eek: Sorry to hear, but glad you're okay! It could have been a lot worse...glad it wasn't. I'd go to the doctor and get chacked out...sometimes stuff doesn't start showing up for days, even weeks.


And P.S. If you end up parting it out....let me know. :o

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Good to hear you're OK. Do not give the car up without finding out the buyback price.



When my old S-Blazer was rear-ended and totalled, I bought it back, stripped what I wanted out of it (not much), and sold it for 2x the buy back on e-bay.


There is a TON of stuff you can part out on that car and make some good money.

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Damn that sucks.. F-Bodies are actually pretty sturdy cars that last little sleeting we back in Feb I stun out and hit a guard rail at 50 mph and just busted a tail light and had to have teh quarter panel replaced everything else was good to go..


Glad to hear you are ok..


I got dibs on the passenger side T-Top!!

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