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will be the best WR in the North this season



is already the best RB in the North




is the best SS in the NFL

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I'm a Packers fan so I know I can't talk a whole lot of smack... but I've got to say this much. The Steelers have a group of extremely talented players; they just don't play well together.


EDIT: Jason, I'm in love with your avatar. That is all.

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Guest JJHonda
Alright, listen yellow blown boy! The Bengals are a team that would probably do better if they could stay out of jail. Having said that, the parole board will not let all of them out for the same day, so you are still screwed. You guys had your chance to prove yourselves against us 2 years ago and you blew it! The steelers are now undefeated in pre-season. Now you may think thats not really a big deal, but they weren't even trying. By the way, when you come over to the house to watch your team lose, BRING TISSUES! HAHAHA!
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Bengals will work over the steelers. Rosthisberger (sp) will show yet again he had one miracle year...


Once again speaking out of your ass...God I love bandwagon Bungle fans! For the record, Big Ben had the best first TWO seasons of any quarterback...ever. Last time I checked 2 > 1 so I think you're wrong. :)


Secondly, the Steelers will finish ahead of the Browns. End of Story. Lets watch their first game and go from there.


Sorry this took so long; I have been out of the state whitewater rafting.




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How large of a wager are you willing to place on this?


Would you be up for $1000?


99BlownYellowGT crawled in his hole and disappeared. Any other takers?


The Steelers will finish better than the Browns. I know it's a sucker bet, but what kind of retard would actually say the Browns will finish better than the Steelers? If you're that stupid, you'd be stupid enough to wager on it.


Put up or shut up you whining little bitch.

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why is it that every year the browns fans start shit in the preseason then as soon as they get blown the fuck out of the water the disappear behind the "rebuilding year" bunker.





in other news, i'd like to alert you to the fact that randy moss caught 9 passes for 183 yards and a TD without having a single character issue, so all you assholes who shat on him can suck a dick.

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....browns suck.....end of story... anyone whos says that will be relentlessly bashed for no other apparent reason than i am a fan....


steelers will finnish better than the browns but who cares?


there fucking retards in Pittsburgh.. i know i lived there for three years.

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99BlownYellowGT crawled in his hole and disappeared. Any other takers?


The Steelers will finish better than the Browns. I know it's a sucker bet, but what kind of retard would actually say the Browns will finish better than the Steelers? If you're that stupid, you'd be stupid enough to wager on it.


Put up or shut up you whining little bitch.



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You're the dumb fuck that said they would finish better than the Steelers.


You're also the dumb fuck that can't use the word "your" right.


just like a steelers fan to not be able to take fucking sarcasm from the beginning do us a favor and end your life like the steelers season will be ending before midseason dickhead

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You're the dumb fuck that said they would finish better than the Steelers.


You're also the dumb fuck that can't use the word "your" right.



Actually YOU ARE the one not using words right. It's "you're", not "your". Or if you prefer, "you are".


Who's the dumb fuck? I don't call names. I was just wondering.

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just like a steelers fan to not be able to take fucking sarcasm from the beginning do us a favor and end your life like the steelers season will be ending before midseason dickhead


I'm sorry, I never caught the sarcasm. Did anyone else?

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