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way to go michigan


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lost. ha ha


Your dumb if any OSU fan here wanted Michigan to lose to anyone but the buckeyes really needs to check if they know that much about football. I was pissed to see Michigan lose. I dont like Michigan but I do respect them. I will root for them to win everygame except against the Buckeyes. So dont laugh at them for losing be sad because it will make our win against them seem like less now. From a BCS standpoint it will hurt us if we win because Michigan wont be undefeated. Also this is seriously going to piss them off. I guarentee they wont lose the rest of the season till they face us. So dont be a dumbass and laugh at them.

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As a Michigan fan I can at least some what justify the lost, they are the reigning two time division 1-AA National Champs. And Mike Hart was out for half the game, as soon as he came back in they started to rally but was just too late.


Maybe we should try to cut Carr and get someone like Bill Cowher.

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Guest zx2guy19
As a Michigan fan I can at least some what justify the lost, they are the reigning two time division 1-AA National Champs.


Maybe we should try to cut Carr and get someone like Bill Cowher.


They are the two time reigning champs of a lower level, and you guys are the two time Rose Bowl contestants (losing, lol). Michigan was outplayed, plain and simple.



I agree, Carr will probably be looking for a new job soon, lol.

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my hate for mich has made it to where i just hope they lose every game. And losing to a aa team is just awesome. We had no chance to go any where ths year with our schedule so you're dumb. With that said, i am glad i get rag on the local mich fans. this loss will go down in history has one of the worst upsets ever. I dont really think you're dumb. Who dey and fuck michigan!
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They are the two time reigning champs of a lower level, and you guys are the two time Rose Bowl contestants (losing, lol). Michigan was outplayed, plain and simple.



I agree, Carr will probably be looking for a new job soon, lol.


Who cares what level it is? They are obviously a good team regardless the division their in. That's like saying Boise State isn't a good team b/c they are in the WAC. Boise State or Hawaii would kill OSU.


Thats exactly what michigan needs is a former steelers coach LOL


How many Super Bowls has the Bengals won? Oh yeah that's right, none.

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Guest zx2guy19
Who cares what level it is? They are obviously a good team regardless the division their in.



I care, because you are trying to make up reasons why they lost. The only reason they lost is because they are outplayed. A OSU player broke his leg today, that doesn't mean we have to lose.

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My Team lost and how childish is it to say hahhahahaah you lost hahahahah sportsmanships is lacking in the osu camp


no excuses they/we lost


no after osu loses see if you guys blame a bunch of other things other than they just lost


rag on us Michigan fans all you want we will get it back together at some point in time just like osu did then itll be all smiles from our side


also win/loss whatever we still love our team




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My Team lost and how childish is it to say hahhahahaah you lost hahahahah sportsmanships is lacking in the osu camp


no excuses they/we lost


no after osu loses see if you guys blame a bunch of other things other than they just lost


rag on us Michigan fans all you want we will get it back together at some point in time just like osu did then itll be all smiles from our side


also win/loss whatever we still love our team




:gay: Fuck sportsmanship, it's fan base, we ain't actually playing the game. Sportsmanship doesn't apply to fans. It's everyman for himself.

GO BUCKS! And great job today Michigan :lol: :lol:


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Honestly who cares.... its a sport, i dont see you out there playing college ball hmm and half of OSU players make it nowhere in pro ball. How about your heisman trophy winner setting the bench 3rd string in the pros?????


i like michigan but its not the end of the world if they loose.

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I might not agree on how people are viewing the Michigan loss on here. But i am a true hardcore OSU fan so I cant be to mad at you lol. Im just stoked to see Notre "OVERRATED" Dame getting beat bad in their own stadium.


Notre Dame is the only team I hate in college football. I will still say I respect Michigan alot. I dont like them but they are in the big ten and I still want them to win except when they play OSU obviously.


bottlefedfcus go away we are passionate about sports. Its not about us being in the game its the fun of watching it. Being able to care about something that brings us joy. I cant stand when people like you HAVE to try to diss people who are into sports. Go take your "its just a sport" talk somewhere else. You are the only person that posted that had nothing relevent to say. You just give some shitty ass opinion that annoys more so than anything else.

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I have to laugh at Michigan, although I fully expect a fight to the death on November 17th, 2007. I just hope Lloyd is still coaching, and it still has some significance to the Big Ten Title.


I do not "hate" Michigan, nor do I hate Notre Lame. BUT, I do HATE that both universities fan bases have the largest percentage of fans that have not even stepped foot in the same state as the school, nor been on the campus, let alone attend the school.





Holland the Homer

OSU Class of '93

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