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Baby left in hot car for over 8 hours - dies - Mother not guilty....


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The scariest thing to me about this entire ordeal (given the fact I don't have childen) is this:


Quoted from the Columbus Dispatch this morning, "In the past 10 years, about 340 children have died of the heat after becoming trapped inside vehicles, according to an Associated Press analysis made in July."


Ok. So, 34 childen a year die from extreme heat inside cars.


Theres typically only about 3 months that could get hot enough for such occurences, but lets stretch that a bit to 8 months. Throwing in an additional 2 weeks for good measure, thats exactly 34 weeks.


One child dies every week from this same shit. Consistently. For 10 straight years. Can we please just kill some of these retarded, irresponsible parents/childcare folk?





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SO did anyone watch good morning american today?


Matt interviewed the judge or some guy having to do with the case. This dude was a straight tard, could not answer any of the questions and his only response was she is a good mother and he see's no danger to her other child. THE COURTS SAID IT IS OK FOR HER TO TAKE CARE OF HER OTHER KID. Seriously wtf.

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I saw the interview...he basically said neglect isn't the standard law in this case here in Ohio.....I say WTF? :eek: Use this case to change the standard then. Basically charge her with neglegant homicide and make it stick Shit, there's no better case IMO.


I would think in such a conservative area of the state they would push harder for punishment. Instead it just goes to further enforce that you can leave your kid or a kid you're babysitting in the car and if they die, no worries....you'll walk. :mad: :doh: :cry:


SO did anyone watch good morning american today?


Matt interviewed the judge or some guy having to do with the case. This dude was a straight tard, could not answer any of the questions and his only response was she is a good mother and he see's no danger to her other child. THE COURTS SAID IT IS OK FOR HER TO TAKE CARE OF HER OTHER KID. Seriously wtf.

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I'd like to know how her husband is taking all this....let's interview him on the matter :confused:


It has also come out that this may be the THIRD time she has left a kid in the car. Probably only the third time she was caught.

'I'm too buisy to take my kid into the store with me" = unfit mother, I don't care how short the trip is.

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Here's something to add, and a clarification of what pisses me off about the ruling:


The title of this thread is wrong, she wasn't found "not guilty". No judgement was delivered because no charges were brought. I can understand letting her off because 'she's suffered enough". But that's the Judges job, not the prosecutors. The fact that the Prosecutor decided to play judge pisses me off.

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