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Whirlwind of health problems, Doctors?


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About 2 months ago, I started feeling extremely tired. No matter how much sleep I got I was still tired. I had pain in all my joints. I went to the doctor and was sent to a sleep center where I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. So I am currently waiting to get a assisted breathing machine for sleeping. Time passes and I dont have the machine yet, but I'm feeling more and more worn down. Yesterday I started to get pains in my chest, below my sternum and unrelenting headaches. I go to the emergency room, not because I am worried, because its pissing me off and my doctor is a schmuck. They do an ekg-fine, a chest x-ray-fine. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I have had a headache in my life but over the last few days, they wont go away. I took some antacid last night, which seemed to help the chest pain but its back again. Tried to walk down the street and was winded a few houses down. Going to the doctors, emergency room, and sleep center is making me go broke. Besides all the work I have been missing. Anyone have any suggestions, I just dont know what to do. This is no way like me, I am usually the first person at work and the last to leave. I work harder than anyone at my company but now I just cant. It literally feels like I am slowly dying.


Other things I have noticed, I cant focus my eyes sometimes, I am getting forgetful. I used to be able to remember every licensed plate I have ever seen, Every phone number I had ever heard, but now I forget the dumbest things.


Vitals- 30 years old

male, white, 5'10, 185lbs, smoker(quit 3 days ago) Work in heavy construction.



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If your sleep doctor does not get off his ass Call Dr Morine Delphia. I used her and I had my first apointment, sleep test, and a machine all inside a month and a half. Also many of the symtoms are from no sleep. Keep in mind you are for all purposes not sleeping at all so you will have problems and will be week and tired since your body can not repair itself.
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You are having nicotine withdrawal. Good luck, man.


Welcome to the longest next couple of months of your life. If it is really withdrawal, and with quitting 3 days ago it sounds like it is, it will slowly start getting better once your body stops craving the nicotine. But it will take a while.

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"unrelenting headaches"


exactly how my dad described he felt when he quit smoking. he smoked for many years without quitting or even trying. went cold turkey when I was in high school and bam.....was not himself for 2-3 maybe 4 weeks.


we just talked about it as it's been 20 years since he's smoked and we celebrated with a beer together :)

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