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It's raining.. Who wants to Dig?


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J/K :)


This is the first real rain since I picked up the STI so I had to take it for a spin as I've never had an AWD car before (and I just love driving in bad weather. :) .)


OMG, AWD is just unfair. :eek:


I had NO clue how hard AWD can launch in the rain. Standing water at the line? *shrug* It might as well have been dry out.


So.. uh.. Anthony, Brian, Amy... race from a dig? ;)

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Come on I was passing people on 315 and 270 all night. Regular cars 45 ?WTF?. 90... It was only wet roads.


Ben i will take your bet. I'm running Triple Tred all seasons right now what you got on?


Junk tires the dealer put on before I bought it, but the truck is heavy enough it can't spin them except in the snow!!

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Your both going down.


Eagle GS D3's > You


EDIT: Who's up for a wet autocross ?


Miata club ran today, if I had known I would of taken the Laser down there as KDW's in the rain own.


Draco, we've had events on occasion where it's been snowing. Problem is it's so damn cold typically corner workers freeze to death so they try to avoid it if possible around here. I know of some dsm guys in Wisconsin and Michigan that do rallycross type stuff on ice!!!

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Some douche fuck in a beat up ass Altima or something retarded tried to get me to race him down W. Broad street.... in the rain... through New Rome... in the rain... on W. Broad street... in a beat up ass altima or something... in the rain... through New Rome...
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Miata club ran today, if I had known I would of taken the Laser down there as KDW's in the rain own.


Draco, we've had events on occasion where it's been snowing. Problem is it's so damn cold typically corner workers freeze to death so they try to avoid it if possible around here. I know of some dsm guys in Wisconsin and Michigan that do rallycross type stuff on ice!!!


Now that's badass.. :)


Oh well, guess I'll have to amuse myself in the local Meijer's parking lot.

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Now that's badass.. :)


Oh well, guess I'll have to amuse myself in the local Meijer's parking lot.


Well, when you hear about snow coming this winter keep tabs on here, we had some damn good times at a couple lots last winter like a 6 wide drag!!

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