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Missouri cop loses his sh*t (caught on tape)


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I don't remember any laws regarding not being smart to a cop who gets all up in your shit for no reason. I'm not one of those "FUCK THE POLICE WE DONT NEED EM" people, but sure as hell don't need pricks like these running around. "I'll find something to arrest you for." Fuck that.
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Cops like that give every cop a bad name. Classic that the guy had that on tape. Good for him for putting it up on the web. I didn't finish it, but I certainly hope the cops badge # and details are associated with it. Play that for any number of good criminal attorneys around and they could turn it over to a Jr. in their office and have a field day with that one.


Seriously makes me sad to think that there are cops like that out there. :nono:

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Cops like that give every cop a bad name.

Cops are people, and thus they are diverse. Many join up to protect people. Others get picked on in school, suck at sports, are too dumb for college, and are too incompetent for the work force, yet can't pass the physical for military service.

At least, that's the vibe I got off this guy. The other cops probably pick on him, too.

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I guess their cool.....but honestly, there are ton of cops that really should be riding bikes at least....they need the exercise.


I saw a ton of Segways all over the Airport in LA and in Downtown Chicago this past month. They seem to have really popped up in the big cities.


they have those at easton i believe...

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First off that cop sounds like a fag/ass-hole from some small redneck town in the middle of no where. Just listen to the way he sounds. And the officer kept saying he was being smart but I thought he was being very respectful to the officer. I think the officer was just having a bad night and decided to take it out on him because he was prob young. I had something like this but not anywhere near this officer’s level of cussing and saying he would make things up. Needless to say all of my charges were dropped. I wish an officer would try this as I would file for discovery of his video/audio (It's now mandatory) and laywer up. I don't have anything against officers (even give them discounts) but some just go off on a power trip.
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