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Anyone in home lending/mortgage company etc? Got a few questions...


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Hehe now we know why Countrywide is going under. Not dogging you, but they are giving you a loan without knowing if you are in fact a bum or not. I say it sounds like you have a pretty good deal going right there and should jump on it if it truely is a 30 year fixed rate. That rate is good. I'd probably keep a little of your down payment though especially if the house needs anything fixed up.



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20% down is enough for most companies to not really worry about your earning potential, if you turn out to be a dead-beat they will still get a decent return on the house once they foreclose.


What I want to know is if it's true that they a) don't require income docs for less than 20% and b) don't require PMI for less than 20%. This is very unlikely, especially in the current loan environment, and if he is getting lied to he needs to figure it out pretty quick.

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I speak with my LO about once I week, and he's confirmed that I won't have PMI at 15% but the rate will bump up a .25%, so just paying it a different way I guess. Doesn't make any difference to me as I'm putting AT LEAST 20% down.


Nothing's progressed as I haven't found the right house/place yet. I've made a few offers, but I'm not in a huge rush.


Thanks for asking though!

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