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Prayer for my little girl


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Man I can't even imagine, my little girl got her ears pierced Friday and the peditrician had to ask me if I would be OK. I hate hearing her cry in pain, although the piercings were a breeze, it was the shots in the legs she really cried for. Just a few hours later this how she felt:




They soon forget.

Good luck, may everything be perfect.

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Thx everyone, I really appreciate it. She came out of surgery just fine and is home with us. She had us cracking up after they gave her the first sedative. She started the whole drunken 'your my best friend man, no really, your my best friend'. She looked at me and started telling me I was the best daddy ever, then she was like...WHOA, you only have 1 eye dad! Me and my wife were trying so hard not to laugh hysterically.


Ben I know what ya mean, you'd give anything to take their pain away. I hate feeling so helpless in those situations. You have a beautiful little girl btw.

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Thx everyone, I really appreciate it. She came out of surgery just fine and is home with us. She had us cracking up after they gave her the first sedative. She started the whole drunken 'your my best friend man, no really, your my best friend'. She looked at me and started telling me I was the best daddy ever, then she was like...WHOA, you only have 1 eye dad! Me and my wife were trying so hard not to laugh hysterically.


Ben I know what ya mean, you'd give anything to take their pain away. I hate feeling so helpless in those situations. You have a beautiful little girl btw.


Good to hear and, Thank you.

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