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Pissed at TWC, anyone have a real contact there?


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short story, I live in a remote location. I called about Road Runner and was told, no service. I then get a letter stating they are expanding service to my house. I get follow up letter stating I can order whenever I want because the facilities build out is complete. I order, they tell me a date and time, they NO SHOW. come on, NO SHOW? Are you freaking serious? No phone call, just no show. We call in, "no road runner available in your area".


I want to speak to someone that gives a crap about this.

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I don't deal in CS, I work in the data center. I can shoot an email out if you want. if your already a subscribe call and make a complaint, threaten to leave. And let me know who you talked to. I can shoot a email over to there boss stating a friend of mine was mistreated.
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I called the schmendrick that sent me the letter stating facilities are in place now. He never called me back after a week.


who do I call? Sales = Liars, service ="sorry, we don't care", the only people that are even trying to help me are the billing department.

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I don't have the email address of actual people, just botmail addresses sales@blablabla etc...


I am not looking for the president of the company, just someone to explain why the sales database that used to say "no service available" now says "digital cable and road runner available" but the install database still says "no service available".

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  • 3 months later...

Using LinkedIn connections I found the Director of Operations for Road Runner Business Class. He pointed me to the right person, only $55,000 to build out to my house or I can wait the 2 to 3 years before they upgrade my area.


So, I cannot get DSL faster than iDSL, I can get a T1 for about $400/month or I can keep my POS EVDO solution.


Satellite isn't an option as it doesn't really do VPN that well and I need some upload too.

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