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Health Concern with Me

Guest FooFooMaru

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Guest FooFooMaru

Okay, so i've had a summer of worries. I got concerned with my body and any potential problems. I went to doc for checkup on testicular cancer-i was fine, also pumps around neck-lymph nodes supposably although the bumps are still there after months.



But I think it's been a week now and I found bumps (or small circular shapes) around my pelvis. They are located almost exactly 2 inches left and right from the top of my male organism. One is the size of a small marble and the other is smaller by a bit.


Someone thought possibly calcium deposits while someone else thought they might have been a vein or something of that nature. The other day after moving fast for a bit I felt one and it was in step with my heart beat, beating as well.


I don't know what they are but they worry me so I was going to go to the doc this weekend but if you all could give any advice, i'd appreciate it.


Thank you

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Guest FooFooMaru
They sound like fatty carpuscles or cysts. Generally, these are not cancerous but should be checked out. Are they in the skin (can you get your finger or anything under them or move them around a bit) or attached much deeper?



Can't get fingers under them. They aren't visible unless touched-they aren't protruding passed skin, just under it.


Have a docs appt tomorrow morning. Uhg, I hate getting stressed out about so many things.


thank you for ur advice everyone so far

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