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how about michigan now!!!!!!!!!!


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osu fans seem like the nerd in school that got beat up for 13 yrs and now that they grew up, got taller, started workign out, got a good job they want to show EVERYONE how cool they are


how am i supposed to argue a point that somehow helps out my side of the arguement. Everyone wants to show how cool they are, its just that michigan fans can't


its 11:17 and michigan still sucks

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I'll pile on here.


If you were one of those who really believed Penn State was a good team after beating teams like ND and Buffalo, quit drinking the Kool Aid.


As an OSU fan, I still do not know how good we are. I do know that we keep getting better. You schedule the YSU's of the world and the Akrons of the world to get ready for conference play.


I do know that Mich beat an overrated PSU team without much flare. I DO know that Michigan lost to an APP ST team (IN ITS OWN HOUSE) that LOST to a team called WOFFORD on Saturday! WOFFORD???


We will see how this all pans out.

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like girls know anything about the man sport of football, jeesh!!!


and yes michigan state are our rivals osu fans dont seem to get it cuz they dont like thier rivals being OU


if you have ever gone to a UM vs. MSU game you would understand until you do just sit back


How can OSU be rivals with something they haven't played since before I was born?

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so uh... You beat an overrated team in "one of the toughest places to play in the country" by five points, and now Michigan is going to win the big ten?



If they do, congratulations and thats impressive, but.... don't you think it's a little early to be making assanine statements?



Oh, and if the MSU/UM rivalry is bigger than the OSU/UM rivalry, why does it get voted the biggest rivalry in college sports every year when they do the poll during football season?



Oddly enough, when they do the poll during basketball season, it always ends up being UNC/Duke. Wieeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddd.



Its two PM central time, and Michigan still sucks.

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What's more annoying than a UMich fan at The Big House?


A UMich fan in fucking Columbus.



That wasn't a joke, its a fact. I have a friend who is in a band at UMich so I go up there a lot to support, and they respect the rivalry but they're not total fucking assholes with something to prove like UM fans in Columbus.

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if i couldnt read or write i wouldnt be able to respond on a forum would i numb nuts? think before you type.


Reading comprehension owns you. I think the point is that you are making it sound like your grammar has something to do with the fact you attend OSU. This was countered by the fact that you likely were able to read and write properly before college. If you turn in homework with the same structure as you type on forums then it won't be long until they ask you to transfer to UM where they tailor their eduction for special people like you. ;)


It's 1:55 and scUM still sucks.

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What's more annoying than a UMich fan at The Big House?


A UMich fan in fucking Columbus.



That wasn't a joke, its a fact. I have a friend who is in a band at UMich so I go up there a lot to support, and they respect the rivalry but they're not total fucking assholes with something to prove like UM fans in Columbus.



this is true, i can accpet this being a michigan fan but there is a reason for it. think about if you were the lil fat kid in middle school, you were always getting picked on, so you became very defensive, same thing with us UM fans,we have been getting shit since a young age. not saying that we were fat kids though.

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