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Can someone help me identify this spider?

Guest 00Smurf

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Fuck, I hate spiders, and I live in a basement. Just kill the fuckers. Who cares what kind they are. Kill everyone you see.


well if its poisinous, i need to know in case i or soemone in my family is bitten. until we can get rid of them, need to know.

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I never kill spiders. If you kill them you gotta worry about a thousand other bugs that won't get eaten now.


i kill them and leave them where they die so all there little buddies know not to come around.


its funny but it does seem to work, you just have to deal with a dead spider on your wall.

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I've heard of the bird spiders, more along the lines of a larger recluse. But I've only really seen em in southern Ohio. They usually have a leg span roughly around 2 1/2'' in in diameter. Pretty intimidating if you ask me, just not a spider fan. I'd be semi worried about it, because any spider can potentially make someone sick.
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Yeap its a wolf spider. Also known as a lighting spider. They are preditory and once you get one over 2" long they will run out to attack your foot until they realise your attached to it. I hate those things and right now my barn floor is litterally crawling with them. My wife uses some type of gallon spray bottle stuff that makes them all come running out of our house and they usually die about 1 foot from the foundation.


Not dangerous, but they will leave 2 small bite marks that will make you itch for a day or so. Oh and I read that they can grow to 13", but I bet thats rare. Or at least I hope it is.



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I took these last Fall of some nice Golden Orb Weavers that were around my house:








They are pretty cool looking and should be out and about very soon... :)

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There are a ton of nasty looking spiders on the outside of my g/f's place. They're similar in size and shape to the orb weavers but I think their coloring is different. They hide in the wood/siding on the house during the day and come out into the web at night. I'll have to get some pics this week. We killed about 15-20 of them around her garage door the other week. I bet there's over 100 on the side of the house.
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well if its poisinous, i need to know in case i or soemone in my family is bitten. until we can get rid of them, need to know.

Every spider everywhere has a poisonous bite, its how they eat. The variable is toxicity, not all of them can hurt you.


Wolf spiders are your friend, especially if you've ever experienced a hidden cricket inside your house. :mad:

Though the venom isn't immediately toxic, bites from most spiders can lead to infection, the nastiest of which is necrosis.

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Oh and I read that they can grow to 13", but I bet thats rare. Or at least I hope it is.

No insect in ohio grows that large. Ohio wolf spiders aren't the only wolf spiders int he world, though. Check your source, it may be African or Australian. 13" is in the "worlds largest" territory.

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I agree probably not gonna see one that large in Ohio. The biggest I've killed was easily 5 inches long and I could hear it running around on the wood floor. I jumped out of bed hit a light switch and was hoping to mess with a mouse. I almost peed myself when I saw that thing. I've seen many more 2 to 3 inch ones, but that monster was my record. My Dad and grandpa saw a spider that they say was as big as a dinner plate under a barn. It was the only time I've seen either of them run from anything other than a snake. We didn't know what was going on, but they both backed out of that hole fast enough to know it couldn't be good.



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