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job for january


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i have 30 days off come january, and id like to pick up a job for that month. under the table would be great, so i dont have to go through all the paperwork, training bullshit , but ill take what i can get. any hours will do.

must be atleast 40 hours a week, and atleast $10 - $12 an hour

ill pretty much do anything. and can pretty much do anything.

i can wrench on cars, have experience. i can do some computer work. ill sit in an office and make calls. ill do any manual labor. warehouse work, whatever.



i just cant go without income for that 30 days.

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well im temping for honda right now. still work 40 + hours a week, but to still keep it legally a temporary status, after 2 years you have to take 30 days off. then they will call me back for another 2 year assignment.


eventually ill get in full time, but to fill my 30 day layoff, i can either sit around do nothign collect unemployment, which is a bunch of shit and no money anyway, or take a job for 30 days until i return to honda.



so i choose the latter.


like i said ill pretty much take anything.

as long as it pays good and i get 40 hours a week ill work.


night shift or day shift doesnt matter.


i work night shift now.


got any leads for me??

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