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Last minute meet tonight in Dublin at 8:30pm

V8 Beast

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Dublin, 8:30p at the Steak N Shake by Tuttle Mall. If you dont know where it is you exit 270 at Tuttle and go the opposite direction of the mall. Then you make a right at the light just before the Shell gas station. The Steak n Shake is on your left right next to the gas station..( Instead of turning left to go to WalMart/Best Buy you would make a right.. if that helps). Hope I didnt confuse anyone :)


Post up of you are going. We are going to talk about how we should set up meets next year.

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Still up, still drinking shots...the dog keeps me company. I don't work until 1pm tomorrow...


Would have loved to been able to get shots of you and Howards cars against the skyline downtown, but alcohol ownz me.

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