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MKII Supra, It was in the garage all last week.


Would like to hear more about the issues with tech in and some of the problems C&D gave you guys.
Unfortunately, I wasn't there at the start. From what I understand, we started in the pits. We almost didn't pass tech (see footnote), and the rear brakes seized. They were fixing the rear brakes as driver1 was being strapped in. It was a roller coaster: Friday we didn't know if we'd finish the race, Sat morning we didn't know if we'd get to start it, and sunday morning we took the lead.


CnD: The fella that gave us flack in tech over dumbshit was later seen hanging out in the CnD pit, and even fueling the CnD car during a stop.

The nature of the event is the be cheap, $500 cars. CnD clearly spent more money than that. On top of that, they had $2000 worth of wheels and tires on the car, and multiple sets of spares. They did have one car that was cheap, though, but it is the apex of assholity:

They had 3 cars, an RXY, a Fiero, and an 80s Dodge Diplomat cop car.

The RX7 was their "contender", the Fiero was a backup fast car, and the big ugly Diplomat was there as a sweeper.

What's a sweeper?

A sweeper is a big sturdy turd that has no hope of winning. You enter it for the sole task of hitting challengers to your fast car. In my last shift, we were still in second place, 1st was the CnD Rx7. I caught the RX7 many times, and then I was mysteriously spun. Later, as I was passing this Diplomat, he pushed me off into an 8' wide tractor tire, luckily the car was relatively undamaged. Later yet, as I passed him and another car, he hit my inside read and spun me outright, and then pushed me. Other drivers had run ins with him as well, I think I'm the only one to be spun because I was aggressive enough (dumb enough) to tango.


Early morning, they pulled this car out and let it sit. Some thought it was done, i thought they were saving it. Sure enough, with 20mins to go, this car comes alive and hits the track. It runs around slowly until our guy, Brian, caught up and began blocking him again. In context: We were 40 laps ahead, we could have parked the car and still won, there wasn't even a chance that being a dick would get them anything, they just did it for fun.

What the hell kind of ass does that?


What's beutiful; Brian is a cool cat that you want in your car. I would have gott agressive. He eased back and let two more cars pass him: BOTH old cop car entries that went up and began tangoing with the dicks in the Diplomat. A couple laps later, the diplomat was dead in the infeild. :D It was hilarious.

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CnD: The fella that gave us flack in tech over dumbshit was later seen hanging out in the CnD pit, and even fueling the CnD car during a stop.


It gets better. He later put on a driving suit and drove their car. We got teched by our opponents. At least I was a smartass with him. If I see that guy next year, I'm going to ask Jay to inspect our car himself.


Be glad you missed that final half an hour before race start. We stayed calm, but it was stressful. Thankfully, there weren't any major problems after that. The car was fast and bulletproof, proving once again that Supra > *. :p


For those of you guys who know Rich, he was a late addition to our team, and put a lot of work into the car the final couple of weeks and did a great job. Tinman's cage was beautiful, and fortunately we didn't use it. Several cars found themselves upside down during the race, so it's definitely important to have. I think the drivers used those Nascar door bars, however. The driver's door got pretty beat up.


All of our drivers did what they needed to do, including the the famous Jack B., who drove a brilliant stint, pushing a Car and Driver senior editor into breaking their first place RX-7 21 hours into the race, giving us a comfortable lead. We still need to explain to Eric that trading paint with a 1980's cop car running a bull bar on the front is something to file under "really bad ideas". ;) Otherwise, Eric's driving was some of the most spectacular and entertaining of the race. He found every passing groove around the oval portion, and invented a few new ones when he needed them. He'll hate me for saying this, but he should give oval racing a shot.


Copperhead did a bang up job getting paint on the car at the last minute, and as a result, we had one of the best looking cars there. It held up well, too. The prep work must have been pretty good. ;) David E. Davis, founder and editor of Automobile magazine was one of the officials and was very complimentary about how nice our car looked. Really, just about everyone who came by had nice things to say about how good it looked before the race, so nice work Mike.


Whoever observed that a number of our guys autocross here in OVR, that's correct. Jack runs A Stock, Neil runs FSP, Miles runs C Stock, I've run in G Stock and C Stock, and Kevin is currently in C Prepared. I'm not sure if cone chasing is good preparation for this -- it's more like turning laps on an autocross course laid out at an oval track with other cars hitting you for 24 hours. Running Crazy Compacts at Columbus Motor Speedway is more like it.


Anyway, it was fun and I'm glad it's over. :)

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We still need to explain to Eric that trading paint with a 1980's cop car running a bull bar on the front is something to file under "really bad ideas". ;)

So is free soloing a technical fourteener int he middle of winter, telling me that just makes me want to do it more. ;) That stint, I was out to do three things:

-Preserve the car mechanically, I did so by never touching redline, or even "orangeline", and taking it easy with the clutch and gears.

-Preserve the car physically. We had back up tires then, so I ran those ragged, but the rest of the time, I didn't try a pass unless I was 83% sure that I could do it without contact.

What I didn't bank on was the C&D Web team sending their cop car out for the sole purpose of taking me out. I made it easy for him by running at the edge of the tires grip (and beyond), spinning me was easy. :o

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