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Brown Recluse Spider

Guest FooFooMaru

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Guest FooFooMaru

Have you guys and gals encounter any or thought you might have? I just found a spider, killed it, and seeing how my mother and others have talked about the darn thing i've become paranoid about it. I live in a apt complex that i've seen bugs around....more than i should and wolf spiders (twice) but this one had skinnier legs.


I'm just curious if you've seen any around Ohio or heard? Thanks yo

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Are you sure they're recluses? There are a few species in Ohio that look like a recluse and are much more plentiful. Not that they don't exist in Ohio, just not in great numbers comparatively. Of course, you could've had one pregnant one in the house/garage and then that's another issue. :p
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not sure if it was a BR, but a buddy of mine got bit on his leg and it was determined that it was a spider bit and the wound was huge and hurt like hell. Took weeks to go away. I thought it was a staph infection but the lab results said otherwise.


I hate spiders.

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not sure if it was a BR, but a buddy of mine got bit on his leg and it was determined that it was a spider bit and the wound was huge and hurt like hell. Took weeks to go away. I thought it was a staph infection but the lab results said otherwise.


I hate spiders.


BR bites are really nasty, the venom usually just eats away at the skin and flesh on the effected area, it doesnt just irritate is consumes. Im sure you can google it but last time I saw a pic on the internet the guy was bitten on the thigh it literally looked like someone just took a huge ice cream scooper to his thigh and everything with it. Disgusting.

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I just moved from SC, so I've seen lots... and from all the sources I've checked, they're quite rare here in OH, so I'd bet that people are seeing look-alikes, and not the real mccoy... Post some pics up if you think you've found one, I'd be fascinated.
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