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Cell phone battery life


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I have heard from a few people a story that goes as follows. "I know of X person that always has issues with cell phones and/or wrist watch. No matter what phone/watch they have the battery dies very quickly."


Well I think I am one of those people. Saturday afternoon I bought 2 brand new phones. One was for me and one was for my girlfriend. They are different brands but pretty much all the same features. We charged them as soon as we got home. My girlfriend talked longer then I did within the first 24 hours we had them. My battery was almost dead before 24 hours was up. I talked about 30 minutes tops that day. My GF's phone didn't even drop on the battery level indicator. She talked at least an hour that day.


I had the same problem with my last 2 phones... I have charges in my car, at home, and at work to combat this issue.


So does anyone know of any studies done to prove this? Any links on the internet? Know of anyone like this?

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im not sure about that


i know im having bad issues w/ my verizon phone ive had for 1.5 years, the battery dies by the end of the day with only moderate texting. i dont talk much when im at work. it seems to kill the battery instantly if im somewhere that has no signal and i leave it on (ie, gym lockerroom)

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im not sure about that


i know im having bad issues w/ my verizon phone ive had for 1.5 years, the battery dies by the end of the day with only moderate texting. i dont talk much when im at work. it seems to kill the battery instantly if im somewhere that has no signal and i leave it on (ie, gym lockerroom)


which phone do you have? I could get you either a battery/phone if you need it..



To orginal poster take it back to the store with the charger so they can test it out. But still insist they swap you batteries even if they say nothing is wrong with charger/battery. But if I was you I would tell them to swap the whole phone out. They SHOULDN'T charge you at all..

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its the v325


ill PM you w/ my #...if you can check what kind of upgrades i have available, i may be interested in a new phone towards the end of this month when i get my bonus check


Ok either way it goes I got you!

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I check to see how long the battery is suppose to last, compare it to how many minutes/text messages the customer is using, and use that to determine if it is a battery issue. If you text a lot or talk on your phone for 3+ hours a day you will have to charge it daily (especially with the smaller more sleek phones). It sounds like you just got a bad battery. Remember if you dont like the phone you have 30 days to switch models.


l36tols1, I sent you a PM

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which phone do you have? I could get you either a battery/phone if you need it..



To orginal poster take it back to the store with the charger so they can test it out. But still insist they swap you batteries even if they say nothing is wrong with charger/battery. But if I was you I would tell them to swap the whole phone out. They SHOULDN'T charge you at all..


I will try swapping batteries/phones. i see the battery is 800 mah which is too small for my tastes.

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There is one thing that kills my battery faster than talking on it, with every phone i've ever owned: Hanging out in an enclosed or remote area where there is negligible or no signal. Even though it says 'power save mode on' after a while, this will kill my phone in a heartbeat. The lower the signal bars are, the faster the battery dies. So, do you perhaps carry the phone to more out-of-the-way places than your gf?
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