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Ron Paul is becoming a contender


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October 03, 2007

Exclusive: Paul Tops $5 Mil For Quarter


Texas Congressman Ron Paul, an anti-war libertarian making his second run at the White House, will report having raised $5.08 million in the third quarter. The number, which rivals those of John McCain and Bill Richardson, was boosted thanks to last-minute online fundraising that brought in more than $1.2 million in the last week of the quarter alone.


Paul has drawn himself in sharp contrast with the rest of the field, often engaging in loud exchanges with fellow candidates over his vehement opposition to the war in Iraq. His campaign has been marked by frugal spending and a surprisingly strong online fan base; he routinely wins online straw polls after debates.


This is the second quarter in a row Paul has shown fundraising strength. Last quarter he reported having more cash on hand than McCain, a sidebar that contributed to stories of McCain's collapse.


Whether Paul will be a major factor in the GOP nominating contests remains to be seen, but his money totals - it is likely he will have outraised several second-tier Republicans and Democrats combined - mean he will be in for the long haul. Paul's campaign announced they will begin running television spots earlier this week.


I think this is a huge step. Bonus points for him for the mainstream candidates not being very well liked on either side, and it's looking like he might have a chance to make it somewhere.


Especially since I just read a story about groups in Vermont and in the south wanting to secede from the US.



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This is great news. Ive like Ron Paul since the first day I saw him on Jon Stewart show. sadly enough, it seems the size of your bankrole directly effects whether or not people hear your platform or not. Hopefully he'll get a chance.


Here's a ticket, Ron Paul and Jon Stewart. I'd vote for them TWICE.

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