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$220,000 for downloading music

Chad is Dead

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I'll never understand why they charge so much. I understand that they broke the law, but that price is way too outrageous. If the songs can be bought for $.99 each legally, you could even legitimately charge her 10 times the going rate and still be fairly acceptable. $240 for 24 songs would be plenty to get their point across because no matter how much they charge, too many people are sharing files and it will never go away.


If they were really serious about this, they should ban CD burners, DVD burners, and the discs that go with them because there is no reason (especially with IPod's nowadays) to copy CD's or DVD's or burning them for other than distribution. Completely retarded.



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sharing books shouldnt be allowed...its the same thing.....someone buys a book then lets their friends read it. I'm gonna start charging my friends .99 cents to read one of my books.

Yes, because that makes sense. :rolleyes:


Now, if you distribute copies of said copyrighted material, then yes what you're doing is illegal. I think her punishment was way overblown, but I assume they think it will work as some sort of deterrent to others. If only they'd just realize they'll never suppress media-sharing. But if you really do not like her punishment, maybe don't commit the crime?

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\But if you really do not like her punishment, maybe don't commit the crime?


so you would be in favor of a $220,000 speeding ticket? The punishment should fit the crime. $220,000 doesn't not fit this crime at all. I can agree with, and understand the artist and or labels wanting money for their music. $220,000 is over the top though.

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I guess what I don't understand is why this is so much worse then going into the store and stealing two albums. If you do that, you'll most likely just get a fine, and there is no way in hell it's going to be 220,000 dollars. So what's with the huge difference in punishment here?


In no way am I saying that she didn't deserve some kind of punishment, but this is beyond the point of punishment. This is about the record companies making back the money that they are losing because bands are learning how to release their music without the help of big record companies (see Radiohead).

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they may come up with that figure based on how many files the offender is sharing, and how many hits on that file they can trace.... if theres 2,000 files, and they can track an average of 110 hits to each... well... thats 220,000 hits to her computer alone... $1 a piece... $220,000.
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Is it true that if you just download music and not share the music that you have or download, that you will be just fine


Call up the FBI, tell them you have pirated music on your computer but havnt shared it with anyone else... see what they say.

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this is why I use itunes, it works fine on my ipod, and the 5-10/month that I download is perfectly acceptable to me, hell, its not free but its a way the fuck better than it used to be...buy a cd for 1 or 2 songs and drop $20 on it.
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guys, while it may not be "technically" within the law,

she was not fined for downloading music. she was fined for uploading (sharing) it.


how is anyone to know if you actually purchased a cd and made a backup copy of it? and whos to say i didnt lose the cd? the burden of proof is on the prosecution.


now, i will go back to my lurking, while my comments get mercilessly dissected by people who are obviously smarter than me.

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I understand that the judge is trying to make an example out of her, but it wont work. It just backfires on the record companies and makes them look greedy and makes kids feel like robin hood.



The 220,000 figure was made by the jury of her peers, the 12 people that heard her case came up with that number, no Judge or The RIAA. The RIAA attempted to settle for a few thousand out of court with her before hand, and she wouldn't even talk to them. She got what she had coming. She broke the law, knew it and had the nerve to let it go to court with a shity lawer. She will never pay the Money, the RIAA will now just revert back to the ordginal offer I am sure as they will never see 220K from a single Mom.

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