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Anyone else deal with heartburn regularly?


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2 years ago mine was so bad they were checking me for stomach cancer. I have taken 5 different brands of meds and all of them cause me to have a pain in my right chest area. Prevacid, Aciphex, Zantac, Nexium, and Protonix. The only thing that works is eating small meals every 2 hours and drinking plenty of water. What I hate is the pain in the throat that feels like strept, but its just acid that burned away the my throat lining :(
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Over the Valentine's holiday I was in the hospital for 4 days being diagnosed with diverticulitis, but I don't really think the persistent heartburn is a direct effect of that issue. Doctors told me that I was the youngest case they had seen and took nearly 2 days just trying to figure out what it actually was. Worst pain I've ever felt in my life.
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Pretty much everyday for me. Sometimes to the point of being debilitating. I use both mylanta xtra str classic and xstr zantac. Prilosec works for me while I take it, but a day after I stop it start coming back and you're aren't supposed to keep taking the Prilosec. Lots of water is good. SOmetimes, it doesn't matter what I eat. I've gone and ate spicy wings etc and hardly a problem and then I've gone and ate something that couldn't possibly upset my stomach and it erupts! I have to eat small meals, too. Whether I eat or not, I know I'll feel it. Even stress sets it off horribly. It's terrible. Ulcer'll do that. Honestly, the best thing I've found to settle my stomach when the legal drugs won't work... smoking. Not tobacco. Say what you want, but it's true and no different than the OTC chemicals you're dumping into your body.
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Just wait until the depression starts from taking the antacids.


Stomach acid is something that you need. If you stop production or make it neutral then you cannot digest your food. The food goes into the small intestine not broke down, then you cannot absorb B vitamins (B6).... then depression.


Acid reflux is not caused by too much acid, it is caused by too little. If you do not have enough the food will sit in the stomach and cause pressure on the muscle that is between the esophagus and the stomach, that relaxes the muscle then the acid that you do have will travel up....boom heartburn.


The secret is to add acid with Betain HCL. It is a natural supplement and available at most supplement stores.

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