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Any pitbull owners


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Here's my pound puppy.




Best dog ever! In a month he has been house broken, has learned shake, sit, heal, come, up, and go. He even stopped trying to hump my neighbors dog :D


Since he's a pit mix it scared the neighbors at first, but now they let all of their kids play with him.

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Its good to see no one has shited on this thread, Ya know I'm big on debating christianity threads, I stand up for my bulls more.


Here are all three of my boys, Pugs are actually bully breeds, The current english bulldog has pug him him.


From Left to right

Bailey (Wugggles) My pug .

Big Joe, (Stompy) Olde English Bulldogge (http://www.kboldebulls.com) Protector of home.

Drake (DOOOOO) My golden something or another mut, But he is always happy.



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my nieghbor is terrified of joe. If anyone is interested I'm going to have puppys papered IOEBA and CKC. AKC does not yet reconize the Olde.



He was bread with a Hermes Choclate one. He has blue eyes in his line. They normally go for 1600$. I can get them cheaper as my stud was used.

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Fine. I'll post Titan's pics again. BTW, he called dibs on the female when she's old enough. You tell him no.





Pic of other dog, Lucy, thrown into the mix.



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  dragknee66 said:

Im on the other end.. and hear calls a lot for "dog bite, pit bull, bit 12yr old and shes bleeding out from her leg, ambulence in route".

I do not approve of them, too dangerous.


Its not the dogs fault, the blame is on the owners (or possibly people that tease the dog). We all know most dogs will nip at someone when they are playing, but a dog that will bite with bad intentions was made that way. There are actually more reported bites from small dogs than there are from pits... or at least thats what I heard.

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^^^ beat me to the punch...


And i'm sure you get or hear plenty of calls about sportbikes evading arrest or failing to stop, Or how about the numerous accidents, yet you still ride??? Lets face it, You deal with the shit part of society everyday. Whens the last time you heard it come across, the police band that someones pit is playing in the living room with their 5 yr old giving him piggy backs?


Drop the stereotypical bullshit man, My aunt has a cocker spaniel, its by far the meanest fucking dog i have ever met. but it was beat since it was a pup, and treated shity from the word go.


Oh, and no disrespect meant man, just think of what you see everyday. thats all i was trying to get at.

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  Mattsn2o281 said:
^^^ beat me to the punch...


And i'm sure you get or hear plenty of calls about sportbikes evading arrest or failing to stop, Or how about the numerous accidents, yet you still ride??? Lets face it, You deal with the shit part of society everyday. Whens the last time you heard it come across, the police band that someones pit is playing in the living room with their 5 yr old giving him piggy backs?


Drop the stereotypical bullshit man, My aunt has a cocker spaniel, its by far the meanest fucking dog i have ever met. but it was beat since it was a pup, and treated shity from the word go.


Oh, and no disrespect meant man, just think of what you see everyday. thats all i was trying to get at.


Was thinking along the same lines. BTW, as of a few short years ago, the breed of dog with the most attacks on humans was, wait for it... the Cocker Spaniel. There are more attacks by small dogs than large. It's not much of a story for the media so... And actually, dogs developed for fighting, the AmStaff, Pit, Staffie, BullTerrier HAD to be human friendly or they were disqualified from the ring. They had to be handled by at least their handler, the ref, and the competitors handlers. Also, you don't want a dog distracted by spectators. Another reason for it not to be affected by other humans. A good fighting dog was expensive, you didn't want to waste your money on a human aggressive dog only to have it disqualified.

Banning a breed is ridiculous. There's a good chance my neighbors kids could grab one of his screwdrives and stab the other in the eye. SHould be ban screwdrivers? Cars? Guns? Alcohol? I can run this list until my fingers fall off. It's all down to owner responsibility. At the very most, they force those who want to own a powerful breed (not just a bully breed) to show proof of training, previous experience (don't know how to do that) or something along those lines.

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A quick, good read. Be sure to read the bottom half is it describes some of the testing procedures. I know there was another one of these tests in the early 2000's or late 90's and the bully breeds performed exceptionally well then, too. There was a whole list of breeds and their results. Didn't look to see if that was available on this site or not but the main facts are there, anyway.




Here ya go, should have it here:


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I agree.....I think Pit Bulls get a bad rap as they are often times owned and trained to do wrong by the owners.


Let's just say it's more often than not that they are raised for such violence in shitty areas of town by folks that don't work in credible positions within the community.


That puts a bad rap on them regardless of where they are at which is sad. However, with so much in-breeding and poor history out there, it is also not unlikely that a family in the suburbs could get one that comes from a history parents and lineage that includes a violent history without even knowing it.


  V8 BEAST said:
Its not the dogs fault, the blame is on the owners (or possibly people that tease the dog). We all know most dogs will nip at someone when they are playing, but a dog that will bite with bad intentions was made that way. There are actually more reported bites from small dogs than there are from pits... or at least thats what I heard.
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Guest hotrodmama024
  ImUrOBGYN said:
Fine. I'll post Titan's pics again. BTW, he called dibs on the female when she's old enough. You tell him no.




Titan is an awesome dog! Here is a picture of my pound puppy, 5 years and the best man i could ever have!




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nice looking pup! I love brindle coloring.


  Sam said:
Say hello to my 7 month old pitbull. Her name is Titan, previous owner namers her that so I decided to keep it to make it easier on her




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