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Getting bored

V8 Beast

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I've been off of work for the last 5 weeks and it's starting to get to me. I'm so freaking bored that I'm typing in racism threads and fighting the the AMC posse. I play Halo until me head hurts, and my car hasnt been in my garage in a month. Its so bad my son just told me I spend too much time with him :(


What do you guys do to pass the time?

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beer, vagina, and videogames has been my life for the past 5 weeks. It's horrible.


It must be the Brian curse. Sex beer and video games... I bet there are guys reading this like "WTF, give me your life!" My repsonse... "You can have the video games and beer" :D

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Work is over rated. Enjoy it.


I did for a month.. and I know the second I go back I'm going to miss being home. Now that I think of it. Since I'm feeling better I guess I should enjoy my time out.


Sam, my heart was acting funny. I'm cool now though.

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beer, vagina, and videogames has been my life for the past 5 weeks. It's horrible.



Same but its been longer then 5 weeks for me. Honestly that is the meaning of life.



Life = Sex, Beer, Videogames. In that order. Cars are just a headache

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I wish, wearing a heart monitor and taking meds that make you loopy gets annoying after a while. My heart rate drops into the low 40's at times and I pass out from lack of blood to the brain... I'm mainly out of work because they didnt want me passing out at work or on the road, which is also why I wasnt out to QS&L for the last month. I didnt want Hal trying to give me mouth to mouth ;)

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I wish, wearing a heart monitor and taking meds that make you loopy gets annoying after a while. My heart rate drops into the low 40's at times and I pass out from lack of blood to the brain... I'm mainly out of work because they didnt want me passing out at work or on the road, which is also why I wasnt out to QS&L for the last month. I didnt want Hal trying to give me mouth to mouth ;)


Shit man sounds rough, hope all works out

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Yeah, but I still get a wierd feeling in my chest from time to time. I'm guessing working 60 hours a week for the last 3 years without taking breaks (at home or at work) has finally caught up to me. They cant explain why it suddenly happened, but its just about gone now.


I feel sorry for the people that work for me when I get back. Im going to be delegating my ass off!

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I wish, wearing a heart monitor and taking meds that make you loopy gets annoying after a while. My heart rate drops into the low 40's at times and I pass out from lack of blood to the brain... I'm mainly out of work because they didnt want me passing out at work or on the road, which is also why I wasnt out to QS&L for the last month. I didnt want Hal trying to give me mouth to mouth ;)

You sir are a liar!

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I've been off of work for the last 5 weeks and it's starting to get to me. I'm so freaking bored that I'm typing in racism threads and fighting the the AMC posse. I play Halo until me head hurts, and my car hasnt been in my garage in a month. Its so bad my son just told me I spend too much time with him :(


What do you guys do to pass the time?

Get ya club/drink on!

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I hope all works out well for you as well man. Heart issues suck. :(


In any case I'm kinda in the same boat as far as your question about what we do to pass the time. My life is quite similar to you. I go to work, come home, play games on the PC, watch movies and "play" w/ the g/f, read books, visit family members, wash my car, etc. I live a pretty simple life myself. :)

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