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kawi kid

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You can only get lucky so many times. At night too! :eek:

First time I hit 120 mph on the freeway w/ the new bike, I just kept thinking what I was going to say to the state trooper and how much the ticket was going to be. I imagine that stupidity sets in at tripple digits on the street. Is that a good enough explaination? At that point you already think your invincible.

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eh, when I bought my 750 the idiot i bought it off of had a 58 tooth sprocket on it, if I was going with the flow of freeway traffic, it would read 170, and thats assuming I was traveling about 80mph

understood.. im assuming that is what is going on here but still how moronic??

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yes, totally agreed, I'm just sayin he may not be going all that fast, but even 60 in crowded streets like that could royally ruin your day, say a car pulls out of a prking lot and forgets to turn it's lights on, whamo. hood ornament. Not to mention your more likely to get pulled out in front of at those speeds since people arn't expecting you to be traveling over 3 miles a min.

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I am not justifying his speed on the city streets. All I am saying is he did a decent job controling the bike with the back tire locked up. Could I have steered it through those cars with the tire locked probably not, would I ever be in a situation like that probably not.

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He shoulda just kept going and blew the stop all together at that point

haha so instead of being a hitch cover on the back of that truck he could've taken the place of the bulldog on the front of a mack truck.

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