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Buckeyes #1


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Yesterday night I was standing in line at the movie theater waiting to buy tickets, and I noticed that the girl in front of me was wearing really tight jeans. Okay it wasn't really a girl it was a guy but damn did his ass look awesome in those jeans. I couldn't help myself and I reached into my back pocket to feel my own ass imagining it was his, I tried to play it off like I was trying to get something out of my pocket but I don't think the girl standing next to me bought it because the girl standing next to me was my girlfriend and she could tell. Then it was our turn to buy tickets and I noticed that she was gazing into my eyes and drooling. I think when I was feeling my own ass it really turned her on, but it might have been because she has down syndrome.



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You still swallowed. ;) If Michigan is so amazing, how many batteries does it take to beat them?




Looks like 1 double A to me :lol:



that joke is sooooooooo funny let me tell how many times ive heard that...... 2,000,333,453,999,001, and your still gay, and you told the joke wrong tard. go find the correct joke copy it paste it post it.

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