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LG VX8600 issues


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Please help,



I was wondering if there was a setting on my phone VX8600 somewhere that if I am in a bad area and its "Searching for service". My office does not get any reception and it wears the battery down in 1/2 a day. I had heard there was a setting somewhere I can set it not to search?


Is this true?




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You can dial *228 and it will automatically reset itself to find towers in your area, sort of like an update for service. I live in the country, so I'm dropping calls constantly. I had the same phone, went through 2 of them due to service issues.. So it might just be the phone in particular?
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LOL I work in a steel foundry that has been built since 1890....I dont think so...


I do *228 all the time, I just thought there was a network settings that I could mess with on my phone settings.




Things that prevent cell phone signals from reaching the phone..

Aluminum siding

surround sound system

other types wiring ran throught the walls of the house (similar to surround sound)


uneven land (hills, mountains, etc)

Brick, concrete, slate, and basically ant type of rock


Certain electronics that can cause interference.


Ask if anyone else gets signal in there. Usually if there is a cell phone tower within a mile the signal can penetrate the buiding. However if our tower is 5 miles away nothing will help except installing a repeater inside where you work. (a repeater is a device that can grab the signal from outside of a building and relay it inside).


*228 is a software update that tells the phone what towers it can and cannot use. For example lets say Verizon towers are #21 in Ohio and Cingulars are #50... *228 will add #21 and Delete #50. This way the phone will not use Cingular towers. We can have no roaming plans because *228 tells the phone what towers it can an cannot use. There could honestly be a full T-Mobile signal inside your office, but the phone will say no service because you have a no roam plan.


If we added new towers to our network it will help. But the truth is that *228 isnt a fix all. You may think its helping, but whats fixing your phone is the part at the end where it powers off and back on again. Our tower list is only updated a few times a year.


And as far as the settings... sorry thats a negative. To boost the signal in the phone you have to go into the programming. Most phones are turned down so that your battery doesnt die in 30 minutes. If you can find a hack there may be a way to get more signal out of it.

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