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The Puma.....





and the new puppy......


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Lola is the "baby" of the house, she has to be at our sides all the time, and is a bit of a clown and despite being 7, she still acts like a puppy.


Mazey is our oldest at 9. As she gets older she gets to be more of a loner, but loves to hunt the squirrels in the backyard.


Mur is the Queen of the roost. She is 8 years old and mean as a bull when she wants to be, and the biggest cuddler in the house, she is incredibly loving to Nathan and I.


Gizmo is a 6, and He is the only boy we have of the pets, and is in love with Lola. Has been since he was a kitten. He sleeps with her, cuddles, cleans.. its pretty funny. He's the killer, and brings home "gifts" all the time. Very independent.


Farina is the newest addition at 1.5 years old, we have found that she has diabetes. She is onry as all get out and as mean as she can be, she cant catch anything other than a fly. She is quite the heifer at a whopping 15lbs.



*edit* good lord, i even resized these pics.

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We didnt give this dog a name, so we just call him "Puppy". He is 2.



Toby, 9, beagle/golden retriever mix



Mitten, 4, Standard issue tabby cat


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Baby Tyson...



Older Tyson...



Meet Sprocket


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Guest hotrodmama024

Here is a picture of MR. Z28. We now call him mr. v6 due to my daughter cutting his whiskers off.



Here is my 5 year old pound puppy Buster. Best man i could ever have!



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Guest hotrodmama024
I dont have new pics of them yet. the ones i have you cant see very well. Yes, he is definantly not normal. Hopefully he gets back to normal, buti hear they never do.
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Here's our 10yr old but very active and feisty girl Jasmine guarding the back door/pantry. She likes her "little den" during the day. She's really a puppy inside just older looking.




Areas is 7yrs old and doing well. He hangs out all over the house, but here he's wondering if he's going to get some lunch.



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did you steal my cat?? i have this exact picture.


Nope, thats just Puma. He sleeps everywhere, his new favorite place is a car subwoofer box with the middle speaker missing. He just tries to go where the dog can't reach or find him because if the puppy finds Puma they do battlez. I'll try to get videos of their fights up. The puppy just wants to play, but the cat hates her.

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