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Flyers pizza FTW!


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this post is not going to be about how great their food is (even though it is awesome), but the service i recieved at the new blacklick location a few nights ago.


saturday night, 7:40, i ordered a pizza. nothing difficult, a large 1/2 pep 1/2 cheese. im told 15-20 min. fine. watch the ball game for a few then head over. get there about 7:50, so i know im a few minutes early. pay for the pizza and start watching the tv


well, people are coming in, ordering, and getting their stuff before me...wtf? so this is about 8. the manager saw i was still waiting, comes to check. goes back, for some reason, nothing has happened. finally, after coming out and telling me theyre working on it quite a few times, at 8:30, he tells me its coming out, and because of the ridiculous delay, theyre going to give me the meal for free. fair enough. he gave me my money back, i went home to eat dinner, watch the game. no hard feelings, didnt think anything about it. wasn't even mad.


well today, i check the mail, and notice something from flyers. the GM sent me a letter again apologizing about the delay, and sent a 25$ gift certificate.


now in my mind, i thought everything was fine saturday night after i left, and would probably be back this week. this just shows they went above and beyond any business that ive ever gotten crappy service from before


for this, they deserve to get a mention

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I learned not to go there on a friday night.. Got pizza there for pick up on the 12th and waited in the store for 30 mins.. after they said to pick it up in 20 mins. Arrived there 5 mins late so a total of 55 mins. Awesome pizza but just too long of wait.
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youll never see anythign like that out of pizza hut or some other crappy big chain


you are correct, because one of two scenarios occures...


1. We dont fuck up in the first place.

2. We take care of it on the spot.


I have many many dedicated customers who come in time after time because we get it right almost every time... and when we dont, they are very frgiving, because they remember all the times that I, me, personally made sure that they got top notch product and service, even if it was only for a $3 order of bread sticks.


How many other GMs have you ever seen know more than 80% of his monthly customers by name, and what they order on a regular basis? I actully call customers when i see somthing that isnt normal for a customer... example: one of my good customers Mr. Robin Hood (yes thats actully his name), always came in and ordered a medium thin with pepperoni, onions, and mushrooms, and a two litre of Mt Dew. Well one night a ticket came through with the normal pizza but a two litre of Dt pepsi on it... well i called him to make sure that was right, and he said he wanted to try to cut back on cffine, so i suggested Sierra Mist instead, which he ended up taking instead. I give a shit about the person, not the money theyre spending, the fact that they come back over and over just makes things better.

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I learned not to go there on a friday night.. Got pizza there for pick up on the 12th and waited in the store for 30 mins.. after they said to pick it up in 20 mins. Arrived there 5 mins late so a total of 55 mins. Awesome pizza but just too long of wait.


I wasnt there, thats why. Also, almost all of my inside crew is green, so they arent very expierenced. I may have a couple of my very talented kids coming back so things will get better, it just takes time. The difference in my business is that speed isnt the main quality of fast service, its mutitasking and organization... my shifts havnt learned that yet, i have. Pizza Hut has invested more than 60k to make sure that i can handel anything, and when im NOT there, you can tell the difference.


Not to make excuses, let me explain why this happened. When we get a sudden compression of orders, our delivery times sky rocket into the 100+ minute range because of the shear volume of orders placed within a given hour... now a good driver can take 4 or 5 runs an hour, my guys run about 3 on average. And when you get 50-70 and hour, you litteraly need 20 or more drivers to cover it. When this happens, and the times sky rocket, people opt to pick it up. However, unlike the delivery times, the carryout times dont adjust automatically, and my shift managers dont always remember to raise the times appropriatly to give a more accurate time. Amoungst other things, they just dont have the knowledge and expeierence of a seasoned veteran such as myself to be able to run the business on a level of nothing other than predicting the future.


Come see me personally some time, id appreciate your feed back on what i can do to make it right for you.

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aw...i better go grab a tissue to wipe the lone tear away


You know why it tastes like crap? becasue the company is more about uniformity that making it how demographical customers like it. Thats why my PCA is shot... the specs arent correct for the people i serve, so i change them, and give up my chances for bonusing on the quarter.


To elaborate, i used an extra $1,068.71 in food cost in period 10.

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Nick, if I come into your store with no shoes or shirt will I still get service?


youre a smart man... use your brain.


It's too bad I went on this diet. I still haven't tapped Nick and his mad pizza skills.


Actully Chris, i still may be able to help you. I can cook somehting thats actully not all that bad for you if you want... it was something we used to advertise a while ago, slightly moddified by me, to be pretty good and light.

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