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I hit a wall around 202 - 205 I kept bouncing back and forth. I realized since I started lifting and working out I was getting muscle. So that made it a bitch. I train with my buddy in the army. doing all kinds of shit. I never thought I would give a damn about training. or shit like that but when you start noticing a differ from working out solid for 2 months It's cool.


I want to push harder but my feel so tired. I fail at benchpress , 130-140lbs is my limit but i started at 95 lbs being my limit.



Sorry just checked the scales like i do every day and was like fucking yeah,

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I hit a wall around 202 - 205 I kept bouncing back and forth. I realized since I started lifting and working out I was getting muscle. So that made it a bitch. I train with my buddy in the army. doing all kinds of shit. I never thought I would give a damn about training. or shit like that but when you start noticing a differ from working out solid for 2 months It's cool.


I want to push harder but my feel so tired. I fail at benchpress , 130-140lbs is my limit but i started at 95 lbs being my limit.



Sorry just checked the scales like i do every day and was like fucking yeah,


wow, I curl more than you bench :slap:

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Yeah, If i can get a little more fat off my arms will have more defination. and if the gut would be gone a starting six pack I do crunches all the fucking time.


The only issue I have is get bored as fuck at the gym, I've been paying 5$ a time to goto dcsc? army base to work out with the bud otherwise i wont go.


And I spent a shit ton of cash on a 3 year

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Yeah, If i can get a little more fat off my arms will have more defination. and if the gut would be gone a starting six pack I do crunches all the fucking time.


The only issue I have is get bored as fuck at the gym, I've been paying 5$ a time to goto dcsc? army base to work out with the bud otherwise i wont go.


And I spent a shit ton of cash on a 3 year


If you are trying to get the arms right. Try a lower weight with more reps.

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Remember when working out, you gotta start somewhere. Everyone cant walk into a gym and starting benching 225 right off the go. I wouldnt worry about how much weight you are moving around because when it comes down to it, Heavy is heavy...


I was waiting for SOME words of encouragement. Sam's absolutly right, you have to start somewhere, after months of hard cardio and hockey ive finally started lifting in the past two weeks, sucks to be weaker than everyone else but you have to start at the bottom to work your way up.


Losing weight is the easy part (never thought I would say that), but if you want muscle definition and to get bigger, your diet is 80% of what you do. Its easy to discipline yourself to do hard cardio once a day, but practicing the same discipline day in and day out with your diet is HARD, especially with all the temptations out there. Im in the same boat right now, god what I wouldnt do for a Wendy's number 2 biggie size with honey mustard sauce.... mmm.


Oh and 5$ everytime you work out?!?!? thats redonkulous. My World gym membership is 20/month.

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Guest FooFooMaru

Good stuff man, keep up with it. Just don't stop. A lot of people can start working out but to keep it up consistently can be hard. Be sure to change stuff around. New work out every three months is kinda what i've been doing. Eating is a huuuuuuuuuge thing. Gotta eat healtier and take in certain things to compliment working out.


I'm doing the 300 work out right now. My friend and I are busting ace at it. Consist of


25 pull ups

50 dead lifts-135lbs

50 push ups (we're doing that only on weds. On mon+fri we're doing 50 bench press with 95lbs)

50 box jumps

50 leg sweeps with 135lbs (freakin hard)

50 kettle bell squats

25 more pull ups


We didn't start doing all the full weights. Waiting for WSU to get kettle bells (pumped for that) for now just doing 35lbs (as many reps as i can do, then do rest with 30lbs)


can't do all pull ups either heh


It's a fun and fast workout. full body, it feels amazing. tues and thurs is cardio out the ace and then I play CTF and tag tues and weds night. :)


Keep it up and keep track! See how much of a difference you get in 6months and a year!



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Guest FooFooMaru
I was waiting for SOME words of encouragement. Sam's absolutly right, you have to start somewhere, after months of hard cardio and hockey ive finally started lifting in the past two weeks, sucks to be weaker than everyone else but you have to start at the bottom to work your way up.


Losing weight is the easy part (never thought I would say that), but if you want muscle definition and to get bigger, your diet is 80% of what you do. Its easy to discipline yourself to do hard cardio once a day, but practicing the same discipline day in and day out with your diet is HARD, especially with all the temptations out there. Im in the same boat right now, god what I wouldnt do for a Wendy's number 2 biggie size with honey mustard sauce.... mmm.


Oh and 5$ everytime you work out?!?!? thats redonkulous. My World gym membership is 20/month.



Definitely stinks at beginning when you can't lift much but you get there for sure :)


My friend JR works out like it's his job. He has 4% body fat and can max around 300+ bench (last time I checked in with him) and he eats wendys once a week or so about. You can't be too hard on yourself or you'll slip up bad so give yourself a treat once in a while. As long as you're doing great at working out and eating healthy, it won't KILL you to eat like that once a week or two. Just be careful on everything else.


Oh, and I love college gyms, no worries on money...er except the whole tuition thing heh

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I was waiting for SOME words of encouragement. Sam's absolutly right, you have to start somewhere, after months of hard cardio and hockey ive finally started lifting in the past two weeks, sucks to be weaker than everyone else but you have to start at the bottom to work your way up.


Losing weight is the easy part (never thought I would say that), but if you want muscle definition and to get bigger, your diet is 80% of what you do. Its easy to discipline yourself to do hard cardio once a day, but practicing the same discipline day in and day out with your diet is HARD, especially with all the temptations out there. Im in the same boat right now, god what I wouldnt do for a Wendy's number 2 biggie size with honey mustard sauce.... mmm.


Oh and 5$ everytime you work out?!?!? thats redonkulous. My World gym membership is 20/month.


Not for me. Whenever I've done the gym thing, I've had to stay away from the weights as I build quickly. For me, gaining the muscle is easy, losing the weight is hard. I'm a bit older now, so they're probably both hard. lol I like to goto the gym and play some racketball or basketball for awhile and then hit some equipment. This way the cardio part is not so boring. I need someone to go with that lives near me in Delaware. I just can't get off my ass without a sidekick.

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I'm doing the 300 work out right now. My friend and I are busting ace at it. Consist of


25 pull ups

50 dead lifts-135lbs

50 push ups (we're doing that only on weds. On mon+fri we're doing 50 bench press with 95lbs)

50 box jumps

50 leg sweeps with 135lbs (freakin hard)

50 kettle bell squats

25 more pull ups




Best way to workout for functional strength, no isolation movements. Go to crossfit.com for all your workout needs. :)


Did a workout last friday that was..


30 1 arm snatch

30 pushups

30 box jumps - 24in box

30 sumo deadlift high pulls with a 30lb kb

30 squat thruster(squat down then jump into push up position then legs back up) with deadlift with 55lb kb


3 rounds for time.


Absolute pure hell

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Guest FooFooMaru
Best way to workout for functional strength, no isolation movements. Go to crossfit.com for all your workout needs. :)


Did a workout last friday that was..


30 1 arm snatch

30 pushups

30 box jumps - 24in box

30 sumo deadlift high pulls with a 30lb kb

30 squat thruster(squat down then jump into push up position then legs back up) with deadlift with 55lb kb


3 rounds for time.


Absolute pure hell



Indeed it is. When we do the all out on weds (as in one of us is right behind the other, doing the workouts right after eachother) it destroys me so bad. Going from deadlifts to push ups then box jumps then to floor sweeps...omg that's when I want to pass out.


A lot of fun though once you're done :)

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Indeed it is. When we do the all out on weds (as in one of us is right behind the other, doing the workouts right after eachother) it destroys me so bad. Going from deadlifts to push ups then box jumps then to floor sweeps...omg that's when I want to pass out.


A lot of fun though once you're done :)



What are leg sweeps?? Are those wipers? Where you're holding the bar above you, legs up and cross them over back and forth?

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right on....I still don't bench more than 180lbs, working out with maybe 140-150, but who cares. fit and trim and looking good is all the same regardless of what you lift.


back in the day when I was a lot stronger and was heavily into martial arts, I knew a guy that was maybe 130lbs wet who could kick the ass of just about everyone in the place. abilty/accruacy/speed > strength every time.


now someone come take the 3lbs of candy corn my wife put on our table away from me would ya!


Remember when working out, you gotta start somewhere. Everyone cant walk into a gym and starting benching 225 right off the go. I wouldnt worry about how much weight you are moving around because when it comes down to it, Heavy is heavy...
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arms workout: BICEPS: -bent curlbar 3 sets, increasing weight with each set

-straight 45lb bar with weight on it 3sets, increase weight with each set

-21's: use the 45lb bar (or maybe a lighter straight bar) 3 sets, use the same weight or slightly increasing weight. 1 set consists of 7 reps from full arm extension to 90 degrees flexion, 7 reps from 90 degrees flexion to full flexion, and 7 reps from full extension to full flexion--these will kick your ass

-dumbell curls, 3 sets, do these on the preacher bench for form


TRICEPS -skull crushers, use bent curl bar, 3 sets increasing weight with each set, finish each set with 10 reps close grip bench.

-dumbell tricep kicks 3sets, 10 reps each set

-dips 3 sets, as many as you can do

-tricep pulldowns 3 sets, use the lat pulldown machine, i like using a leather handled strap


that was my arm workout in the days when i worked out non-stop. its a kick ass routine.

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Im back into the swing of things I posted a thread little while ago about my girl getting me fat. My work out consist of;


Bi's/Tri's/Abs on Monday and Thursday in chronological order

-Bi's start with 30lb(progress five pounds each set but never break 50lbs) dumbell extend arm all the way out with elbow on bench and curl it, at the top of my curl I turn my hand/thumb out (towards the outside of my elbow) as far as possible, this helps form the inner head of the bicep better, i do this in 5 sets 8 reps, between bi reps I work my triceps. Remember form/control is far better than trying to push big weight to make yourself feel better.

-Triceps also use a dumbell normally start with a 30lb as well. Standing up I grip the dumbell and hold it straight up and then try to touch my opposite shoulder with the dumbell and extend it back out. This is 5 sets 8 reps as well. Remember form/control is far better than trying to push big weight to make yourself feel better.

-Next is abs which comes after my intial bi/tri sets. I use a roller on the ground and extend out far as possible, do that 10 times, then I use a big fat medicine ball (like a beach ball) and sit on it and I do situps on this 10times to the left/right/straight up, I use a medicine ball because it takes more control to do. Then I take a 24lb straight bar and but it across my shoulders and swing side to side, you can use a small medicine ball and hold it in front of you for the same effect. I repeat all of these 5 times.

-Back to bi's I go to a bench that i can sit on and use 30lb dumbells again on I dont turn my wrist I keep my hand with the thumb positioned on top of the hand and curl the dumbell and curl it to where the dumbell side is pressed flat against my deltoid/shoulder, this works the other head of the bicep. 5 sets 8 reps. Inbetween sets I go back to tri's

-Tri's I use a pulley system and a rope that I can hook to it. The weight im not sure how much it is exactly its in metric. Anyway I use 52 kg i guess, and stand and pull the rope down without moving my elbows, and extend each end or the rope out to my sides. 5 times 8 reps. Then back to abs.

-Abs on my second ab workout I go to where you would do pullups. I grip the bar and just hang. I then just bring my legs/feet up to my chest/sides 5 to the left/right/center. 3 sets 15 reps. Then back to bi's

-Bi's last work out, I go back to the pulley system by now im tired but I like to do three different workouts per muscle group per day. I use a small handle to hook to the pulley use 25/30 kg? weight, and move the pulley to the floor and with the top of my hand facing up i curl the weight up. 3 sets 10 rep done with bis.

-Tris i grap this waist thing that can you can hook a weight to, I;ll use a 25 lb weight and ill step up on this thing where I can hold myself up and then drop down and push myself back up. 3 sets 8 reps.

-Abs using a small medicing ball with handle (a 15lb dumbell will work) I swing the medicine ball/dumbell through my legs and all the way back up past my head with arms extended, then side to side, then back to side to side, i do this for five minutes or three songs.


Thats is pretty much my workout on mondays after work, before work Ill run for thirty minutes. It seems like alot but its not takes me about an 1hour 30minutes to do.

Use small managable weight, using the heaviest weight isnt gonna do much especially if your struggling, using bigger weight than you used to usually results in using other muscle groups to accomplish the job. Concentrate on FORM not how much you can lift. My max curl is about 115 on a bench 125 standing, and you know how many times I check how much I can curl about once every 3 months. Remember to use benches and whatever to isolate the muscle group you are trying to work. Also give a certain muscle group at least two days rest to allow the muscle group to heal. And drink plenty of water while working out and gets you through a hard workout.


After 4 months of doing nothing and getting back in the saddle I started at 6'1'' 209 lbs, 34 3/4 in waist, Im down to 200 lbs and 34 inch waist, my top 4 abs clearly defined bottom two barely, definition in my muscle groups are back and arms are 15 1/2 inch around, up half inch. Triceps are back looks like a horseshoe when its flexed.


Alot to write Ill write more on my other workouts if theres any intrest. All in all I feel good. I takes alot to get motivated and do it but after a couple weeks of forcing yourself to do it and stop finding bullshit excuses or cop outs to not work out that day(believe me I still do it), you get it into a routine and feel like you have to work out.

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Guest FooFooMaru
What are leg sweeps?? Are those wipers? Where you're holding the bar above you, legs up and cross them over back and forth?


Yeah lol i just couldn't think straight i'm tired. i'm new to them this quarter.

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No offense to the guys that do "isolation" movements, but by performing single joint movements, it makes your body more prone to injuries. You might be making certain parts of your body stronger but not overall. Stick with movements that creates a kinetic chain, movements that make the whole body work rather than an isolated area. For example, take the leg extensions... It's a single joint movement that works mainly the quads and can cause knee joint problems.. where exercises like squats, deadlifts, overhead squats are multi joint movements working your entire body to move the weight, therefore burning more calories, creating strength in the entire body as well as making stable and strong joints.


Exercises should consist of




squats - front, overhead, back

body weight exercises - handstand pushups, pushups, dips, pull-ups

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No offense to the guys that do "isolation" movements, but by performing single joint movements, it makes your body more prone to injuries. You might be making certain parts of your body stronger but not overall. Stick with movements that creates a kinetic chain, movements that make the whole body work rather than an isolated area.


isn't that about what Bruce Lee was trying to get across to everyone? an overall body that works together will win over a stonger opponent.

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