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Assholes tried to jump me.


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after work friday night, Joe, a guy i work with and I decided to get some beer and hang out. on our way out these two guys in a early 70's chevy pickup bummed a smoke from joe. They parked there, did not buy gas, did not go in.

he pulls out, i pull out. then the truck pulls out.

no big deal, we go and pull into joe's apartment complex, and the truck follows me.

I give joe a call tell him to get to his appartment fast i think those guys are foolowing me and i'll just take the exit out of the complex and let them keep following me if that's what they are doing.

so i turn and they creep past the intersection i can see them watching me, but i quickly double back. Because they may be going after joe.

as i get back to the intersection they are coming back, seeing me come back they start driving stright, i stop.

I pull up next to them>

"Can i help you gentlemen?"

"wha-why yous followin' us?"

"no, i think you are mistaken, you followed me in here"

"naw yous followin'us"


as i start ahead the high/drunk punk yells, "what cha want nigga!"

and gets right up on my ass.

I think, hmm thos guys are drunk/high about and both scrawny as hell. Should i stop and beat the shit out of them since they were obviously looking for trouble. Then again, those punks are the type of assholes that would probibly only be cocky with a gun or knife in thier hand too.

I flip my phone up to show them, call 9-1-1.

after a fork in the road they tear off the other way. end of the story, right?


i go around the block and catch up to them while explaining the situation to the dispatcher, and that i am trailing them by about 50yards.

"so let me get this streight, they followed you, and now you are following them?"



"beacuse they are obviously drunk or high and you guys need to pick these guys up."

they get on 270 from roberst road heading south, doing about 85, they trasfer me to an officer as we get onto west broad.

"do you have a tag, i will they are at a stoplight" there is no street name, they are turning left between the speedway and cvs just wast of 270"

"why are you following them?"

"because they were going to try to jump me or mug me, and they are swerving all over the place."

"oh, ok, i am on my way.

I dont turn because it's kind of a subdivision and i could be left cornered so i drive past and then u-turn and then go in.

"they are in here but i lost them," i give him the tag number. "but it is a light blue and white early 70's chevy pickup, they are in here you need to find them and check them out."

then i hang up and as i pull out of the subdivision i see the cop turning in.

who knows, i wanted to be there to ask them what the fuck they think they were doing.

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after some dance in high school we were leaving johnstown and this severely drunk driver was infront of us...folled him from 62/161 out to 161/rt3. finally he went into a neighborhood and the cops said not to follow him in and someone would be there momentarily
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I've called the DUI number a few times. They usually get a cruiser on them within 10 minutes.

I've also called 911 on a car trying to run another vehicle off the road. They transferred me to "Property Code Enforcment" halfway through my second sentence. (BTW the conversation was, "I'm on 70 right at Miller/Kelton, there's a car in front of me trying to run a truck off the road. He's hit him twice now and...hello? Hello?") I was calling again when they both whipped off onto Alum Creek.

BTW it turns out Property Code Enforcement doesn't answer their phone at 1:30 A.M. either.

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i followed a drunk down norton road from kropp rd. downt to alkire rd. last july and watched the guy finally lose it on the shoulder and roll his explorer twice. i saw him just hanging out of his window after that and didnt bother going up to him since i thought he might have been decapitated or something. well it happened right by a firehouse and i ran up and started banging on the doors and windows trying to get someone and turned around just in time to see this guy start driving up. so i called the cops again (had called like 4 times trying to let them now where he was and trying to get them out there quick since he was all over the road when i was following him) and by the time i got to my car i couldnt see where he had turned off at.
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