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Where's it coming from???

El Karacho1647545492

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Okay, I'm not going to launch into my own tirade on politics and Bush, I just want someone to explain to me WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL THIS GODDAMN MONEY COMING FROM!?!?!?!




Good God, $2 billion a week??? Thats a lotta smackeroos considering not a damn person knows what its going to and the fact that wartime economics, which normally bolster a failing economy, have not come to save us from the depression we're seeing.

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You know all those dollars we keep sending the chinese for all that crap they make us cheap? They gotta do something with that stuff, especially to maintain the dollar/yuan exchange rate screwed up. That something is buying metric assloads of US bonds (aka, the national debt).
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^^^your sig makes my day

Well, that took a bit of work, and a bit of luck. I won't be putting up those sorts of numbers again until next summer, since mpg drops the colder it gets. Lifetime, I'm sitting right around 53mpg right now.

Full chart


What's sad is there's a guy in California who puts this stuff up routinely. 'Course he does stuff that would get most people run off the road here in Cbus.

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Okay, I'm not going to launch into my own tirade on politics and Bush, I just want someone to explain to me WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL THIS ___DAMN MONEY COMING FROM!?!?!?!

The federal Reserve..... print money from nothing then loans it to the US to spend.


See the videos posted here:


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