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Dirty Jobs


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you should clarify that before someone takes that as a racist comment.



LOL. No, that wasn't meant as a racist comment, at all. By 'stupid monkey bitch', I am referring to the annoying lady that raises those God forsaken monkeys.


Honestly, I'd kill those stupid things for biting me.

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have him come change my daughters diapers after she eats a meal of chili, corn and mashed potatoes followed by mandarin oranges and some raisins for a snack and runs around for about 5 minutes before my son yells that she's poopy! :eek: "go give mama a hug honey" works for me :D


everyone so far in this thread = fail.
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LOL. No, that wasn't meant as a racist comment, at all. By 'stupid monkey bitch', I am referring to the annoying lady that raises those God forsaken monkeys.


Honestly, I'd kill those stupid things for biting me.


Thats the way I read it. It only read the other way by people with low intelegence.

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I guess most anyone who does any mechanic work could consider themselves having a "dirty job". I can't say I am the cleanest mo' fucka after playing with peoples tires and brakes and shit all day. I guess it wouldn't be too interesting to do a show on however.
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I work in industrial environments all day, normally in non-AC buildings with 100+ degree temps with 100% humidity. I wear all black with long sleeves and combat boots to keep the volatile fluids off of my arms and legs, although I get facefuls all the time and breathe in the fumes up to sixteen hours a day, which are flammable and known to cause birth defects.



Methel Ethel Ketone




Take them in their purest, liquid form and that's what I work with day in and day out. Add in a version of them using industrial/commercial ink and that's part two. Now take these chemicals, these harsh environments, and think industrial in the sense of dingy, dirty, with grease, dirt, dust, water, fluids, goo, and anything else nasty that comes to mind and throw them into an area where heavy machinery is working 24/7 and the lighting is usually poor. The decibal levels are high, OSHA safety equipment is mandatory everywhere I go, and even then not enough in some cases.


Now, take everything above, compile that with twelve to sixteen hour days on average, and you have a rough approximation of my job.


I absolutely love it, though.

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Guest StanekM3
I work in industrial environments all day, normally in non-AC buildings with 100+ degree temps with 100% humidity. I wear all black with long sleeves and combat boots to keep the volatile fluids off of my arms and legs, although I get facefuls all the time and breathe in the fumes up to sixteen hours a day, which are flammable and known to cause birth defects.



Methel Ethel Ketone




Take them in their purest, liquid form and that's what I work with day in and day out. Add in a version of them using industrial/commercial ink and that's part two. Now take these chemicals, these harsh environments, and think industrial in the sense of dingy, dirty, with grease, dirt, dust, water, fluids, goo, and anything else nasty that comes to mind and throw them into an area where heavy machinery is working 24/7 and the lighting is usually poor. The decibal levels are high, OSHA safety equipment is mandatory everywhere I go, and even then not enough in some cases.


Now, take everything above, compile that with twelve to sixteen hour days on average, and you have a rough approximation of my job.


I absolutely love it, though.


Those are baby chemicals compared to what I work with in my plant....

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Those are baby chemicals compared to what I work with in my plant....


That's great, but:


Your details suck.


Those are the chemicals I work with that belong to me. See the rest of my post, that's not all that I'm exposed to. I see at least a different plant every week.

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Guest StanekM3
Whoa there, partner! Ease up on the details. I can't absorb that much info at once. :D


I don't mean to steal the lime light, but being a PhD in Chem, and working in the business for 10 years....


We'll just say they have been dangerous. Most of them, you cannot get legally.

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Guest StanekM3
That's great, but:


Your details suck.


Those are the chemicals I work with that belong to me. See the rest of my post, that's not all that I'm exposed to. I see at least a different plant every week.


Maybe a smiley was in order, I had no intention of discrediting you as any substance labeled hazardous is well...hazardous. My apologies.

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Guest StanekM3
I'm a PhD in getting MEK all the fuck over me :D


You know the oddity most people don't realize....certain chemicals in ink (Thiodiglycol), and plastic manufacturing (Phosgene) found first use in war as pulmonary agents, aka mustard gas and pre-sarin(GB) gas.

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Guest StanekM3
And the first gas masks used in WWI were socks that soldiers pissed on and wrapped around their faces because the high concentrations of ammonia in urine filtered out the harmful agents of the mustard gas :)


LOL, you learn something new everyday. I don't think that would work well with todays` sarin or other blood/nerve agents.


There are things you learn in which you wish you would have never learned them.

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