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Anybody else see a racial war coming soon?


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So somebody on here posted a link to Craigslist's "rants and raves". I've never read any of those before, so I figured I'd have at it for a few minutes. Wow. It's not just in the south, or in the inner-cities. This is everywhere.




Incase you haven't heard, apparently hanging a green goblin or anything else by a noose as a Halloween decoration is now illegal. Absolute fucking bullshit. This shit is making me so fucking pissed. More motherfucking white guys have been hung than black guys, but a noose is racial intimidation. Everybody forget about the wild west? White women were burned on crosses because they were believed to be witches. But a burning cross is racial intimidation?





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Dude Shut the fuck up, I am not going to donate to him now just because you asked me to. We know how you feel it is in your fucking sig.

Its in my sig too, but you don't yell at me. :(


Seriously though, Thorne's right. I know, I've never said that before and probably never will again, but Ron Paul is pretty much our only hope.

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Geez!!! Another race related thread, Satan.

This is getting out of hand. I can't find the news article, but a guy in Hilliard had a green goblin hanging from a noose. Someone went to the police saying they felt intimidated. The police made the guy take it down, saying if he didn't they'd have to arrest him for a hate crime. What the fuck? Its motherfucking Halloween. Next thing will be kids can't dress up as ghosts because white sheets are offensive. This is fucking ridiculous.

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Its in my sig too, but you don't yell at me. :(


Seriously though, Thorne's right. I know, I've never said that before and probably never will again, but Ron Paul is pretty much our only hope.


I can respect you for puting it in your sig, but you don't cram a thought about him in every fucking post you write. It's just as bad as the "Fuck bush is responsible for my hammer toe, he is the worst president ever." posts.

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Actually.....A lady took a pic of it and called the police. They showed up and told him someone drove by and was offended by it. He said his two 10yr old daughters thought up the hanging and nothing racial was intended. He removed it and apologized on TV to anyone he or his family may have offended. Nothing about threatening arrest was ever mentioned. Also, who gives a shit what's going on elsewhere with blk/white bickering, if it does not immediately affect you or your family. So Nooses get banned....who cares...do you use them somewhere that will never be the same cause they would be illegal(rhetorical). There's a lot more BS going on in the world that we need to be concerned about verses a racial war...
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That pretty much sums up how I feel.

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Actually.....A lady took a pic of it and called the police. They showed up and told him someone drove by and was offended by it. He said his two 10yr old daughters thought up the hanging and nothing racial was intended. He removed it and apologized on TV to anyone he or his family may have offended. Nothing about threatening arrest was ever mentioned.

That's why I was trying to find the article about it. The guy was interviewed the other night and said he was told by the police officer that it would be considered racial intimidation. However, I might be confusing the Hilliard incident with one of the many other incidents just like this one so far this year.

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Actually.....A lady took a pic of it and called the police. They showed up and told him someone drove by and was offended by it. He said his two 10yr old daughters thought up the hanging and nothing racial was intended. He removed it and apologized on TV to anyone he or his family may have offended. Nothing about threatening arrest was ever mentioned. Also, who gives a shit what's going on elsewhere with blk/white bickering, if it does not immediately affect you or your family. So Nooses get banned....who cares...do you use them somewhere that will never be the same cause they would be illegal(rhetorical). There's a lot more BS going on in the world that we need to be concerned about verses a racial war...

Okay, you edited your post. I'll reply to the rest:


The "blk/white bickering" is getting out of hand. Its asinine. Are you intimidated by a green goblin hanging by a noose? I really hope not. Nooses have been a part of Halloween for quite awhile. Its like me saying I'm intimidated by 24" spinners because they're commonly associated with gangsters.


You're right, a lot more bullshit is going on. But here in the United States, this shit is getting out of hand. I can't even read Craigslist without seeing article after article of this crap.




I found this picture and thought it was funny. Notice they're all white.

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Guest hotrodmama024
I agree this shit is getting way out of hand, including not reciting the American Pledge in school as well. Its fucking Halloween. Next thing we are going to see, is we cant celebrate any holiday due to to many people having issues with how we enjoy christmas? Or what about Valentines day.. I am sure there is a culture out there that doesnt believe in that either.
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Nooses have been a part of Halloween for quite awhile. Its like me saying I'm intimidated by 24" spinners because they're commonly associated with gangsters.



That's not the same....Nothing close. Nooses are known for hanging people. More commonly known for whites hanging blacks....Hence the reason simple minded kids are hanging them on black professors doors, etc. However, since you brought up the Wild West and Witch shit.....there again they were used to kill people, so the semblance a noose displays instantly brings death, whether black or white, most black, to a persons mind. To me, a lot of things are legal and i'm allowed to do it, but if I feel that what I do is going to ruffle the feathers of others regardless of how meaningless it may be to me.....I shouldn't do it. For instance....I have this sexy ass pic my GF had taken of her on her bike with a skirt on w/ a swimsuit top and heels.....I want to put it on my desk at work....hell, everyone wears swimsuits and skirts, women, but some fat bitch is going to see it and get offended.....

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This is the problem. We let one law be made that's seems a little ridiculous to some people. It's like a snowball rolling down hill. People keep adding to it and it just gets bigger and more ridiculous. Where is the line drawn?

The answer is so fuckin simple. If it's not hurting you or yours, MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS! You don't have to accept or agree with people, just leave them the hell alone.

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For instance....I have this sexy ass pic my GF had taken of her on her bike with a skirt on w/ a swimsuit top and heels.....I want to put it on my desk at work....hell, everyone wears swimsuits and skirts, women, but some fat bitch is going to see it and get offended.....


:lol: Apples and Oranges

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That's not the same....Nothing close. Nooses are known for hanging people. More commonly known for whites hanging blacks....Hence the reason simple minded kids are hanging them on black professors doors, etc. However, since you brought up the Wild West and Witch shit.....there again they were used to kill people, so the semblance a noose displays instantly brings death, whether black or white, most black, to a persons mind. To me, a lot of things are legal and i'm allowed to do it, but if I feel that what I do is going to ruffle the feathers of others regardless of how meaningless it may be to me.....I shouldn't do it. For instance....I have this sexy ass pic my GF had taken of her on her bike with a skirt on w/ a swimsuit top and heels.....I want to put it on my desk at work....hell, everyone wears swimsuits and skirts, women, but some fat bitch is going to see it and get offended.....


Ah, great example. I don't think you restrain from posting that picture in fear of "some fat bitch" getting offended. Instead, it is the fear of that fat bitch complaining and it becomming a sexual harassment issue. Big difference. Do you really care what "some fat bitch" thinks? I know I don't. Hell, the women here are the one's with pictures of half naked guys. Funny stuff. And I'll tell you what, I don't have shit on those half naked firefighters. I need to work out more.


What images do knives bring to you? Probably stabbing. How about Isotoner Gloves? Probably OJ killing that bitch and getting away with it. How about guns? School shootings, murder, etc... You know what offends me? Some punk ass white kid in a Mercedes. Damn that pisses me off. I wish I had a rich dad.


PS: When I think of 24" spinners and gangsters I think of gang fights, shootings, drugs, NBA, etc... Yeah, I threw the NBA in there for giggles.

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For instance....I have this sexy ass pic my GF had taken of her on her bike with a skirt on w/ a swimsuit top and heels.....I want to put it on my desk at work....hell, everyone wears swimsuits and skirts, women, but some fat bitch is going to see it and get offended.....


I actually had to ask one of my reps to take down a picture of his girlfriend for the exact same reason.


We are in a politically correct world now...


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That's not the same....Nothing close. Nooses are known for hanging people. More commonly known for whites hanging blacks....Hence the reason simple minded kids are hanging them on black professors doors, etc. However, since you brought up the Wild West and Witch shit.....there again they were used to kill people, so the semblance a noose displays instantly brings death, whether black or white, most black, to a persons mind. To me, a lot of things are legal and i'm allowed to do it, but if I feel that what I do is going to ruffle the feathers of others regardless of how meaningless it may be to me.....I shouldn't do it. For instance....I have this sexy ass pic my GF had taken of her on her bike with a skirt on w/ a swimsuit top and heels.....I want to put it on my desk at work....hell, everyone wears swimsuits and skirts, women, but some fat bitch is going to see it and get offended.....

At least the fat lady cant get you charged with a felony and ruin your life. my.02

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