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Anybody else see a racial war coming soon?


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I hate all humans (including myself)!!!


Tonight when I get home I'm going to kick my own ass and start a thread about how much I hate myself. Then I'm going to turn around and ban myself for typing hateful thoughts on teh interwebz


Self ownage FTW!

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The anger in which many of you seem to carry is quite intimidating. While I understand that many of us may have had personally bad experiences with, the jewish, blacks, whites, mexicans, asians or any other racial gender...it doesn't mean that we have to turn it into this HUGE deal.


It all comes back to ignorance.....and the bottom line is you can't fight ignorance with ignorance, you must combat it with kindness. I think that everyone should honestly volunteer some time into these poorer communities. These people need to know that they are not forgotten and that they too, have the opportunity to succeed. I sometimes think that enough of us.......just don't give enough back to the communities that we take from. We keep asking, why don't they just get it.......why don't they just get it.......why don't they do it our way....why aren't we out there trying to make a difference???


Sure many of us donate money.......but if each and everyone of us can touch one life, just one, it would be priceless.

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I hate all humans (including myself)!!!


Tonight when I get home I'm going to kick my own ass and start a thread about how much I hate myself. Then I'm going to turn around and ban myself for typing hateful thoughts on teh interwebz


Self ownage FTW!


God Damn Emo



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The anger in which many of you seem to carry is quite intimidating. While I understand that many of us may have had personally bad experiences with, the jewish, blacks, whites, mexicans, asians or any other racial gender...it doesn't mean that we have to turn it into this HUGE deal.


It all comes back to ignorance.....and the bottom line is you can't fight ignorance with ignorance, you must combat it with kindness. I think that everyone should honestly volunteer some time into these poorer communities. These people need to know that they are not forgotten and that they too, have the opportunity to succeed. I sometimes think that enough of us.......just don't give enough back to the communities that we take from. We keep asking, why don't they just get it.......why don't they just get it.......why don't they do it our way....why aren't we out there trying to make a difference???


Sure many of us donate money.......but if each and everyone of us can touch one life, just one, it would be priceless.


Someone get this guy a Band-Aid....his heart is bleeding!!!!

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643 views, but only 79 posts. What's the matter people? Too chicken to post?


"Oh my goodness, if I publicly agree with these guys people might think I'm a racist"

That is the problem... this is such a hot issue most people are afraid to speak up and be labeled a racist or bigot.... I am not afraid of labels :D

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Guest hotrodmama024
The anger in which many of you seem to carry is quite intimidating. While I understand that many of us may have had personally bad experiences with, the jewish, blacks, whites, mexicans, asians or any other racial gender...it doesn't mean that we have to turn it into this HUGE deal.


It all comes back to ignorance.....and the bottom line is you can't fight ignorance with ignorance, you must combat it with kindness. I think that everyone should honestly volunteer some time into these poorer communities. These people need to know that they are not forgotten and that they too, have the opportunity to succeed. I sometimes think that enough of us.......just don't give enough back to the communities that we take from. We keep asking, why don't they just get it.......why don't they just get it.......why don't they do it our way....why aren't we out there trying to make a difference???


Sure many of us donate money.......but if each and everyone of us can touch one life, just one, it would be priceless.


What about everything we have done for the community as well as our government. What are we going to end up with when we all are retired? No social security, no one is allowed to express there own individuality by hanging haloween decorations, maybe not singing christmas jollies!


We only live once, and i dont care how much you give back to the society, but i am going to make sure me, and my family have a fun fullfilling life. Thats the way we are supposed to live.



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People need to stop getting so butt hurt over comments or visual objects. I'm offeneded by this, or I'm offeneded by that. Do everyone a favor by shutting the fuck up and going about your own shit rather than blowing stupid shit out of proportion. This goes for all walks of life. Minding your own business is the way to go.
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People need to stop getting so butt hurt over comments or visual objects. I'm offeneded by this, or I'm offeneded by that. Do everyone a favor by shutting the fuck up and going about your own shit rather than blowing stupid shit out of proportion. This goes for all walks of life. Minding your own business is the way to go.


Now just if everyone would do that.... which you know as well as everyone else will never happen. I think it is physically impossible for some people to mind their own business!!! Just think how simple life would be if stupid things being blown out of proportion didnt happen...... like I said earlier it is something that is never going to go away. I dont know how many times in life I have been totally offended by something and just kept my mouth shut because really what does it get me to say...."ouch you hurt my feelings..." not a damn thing!!

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What about everything we have done for the community as well as our government.


By far the MOST selfish statement I have heard this week. What about everything we've done......well here's your tissue back, seems like you may need it more.


Besides pay taxes, what more can you do for "our" government?


We've just got to raise our kids with respect and a good set of values. Beyond that, if you can give back...just fucking do it. If not, then pay extra taxes, the government will take care of them.

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There would be a religion war before there is a race war.


With the majority becoming the minority slowly be surely in a lot of U.S States it feels good to be a person of color right about now LOL!!


But seriously discussing about racism and streotyping is a lost cause it's not going anywhere and it's here to stay, sad but true..

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So somebody on here posted a link to Craigslist's "rants and raves".


i stopped reading after that.


rnr is retarded and everyone that posts on there is a fucking retard. reading it really makes me embarrased to be from columbus.


all it is, is racial slurs, dick pix, and ad hominem arguments :rolleyes:


so if you are a gay nazi, then rnr is just for you!

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Guest hotrodmama024
By far the MOST selfish statement I have heard this week. What about everything we've done......well here's your tissue back, seems like you may need it more.


Besides pay taxes, what more can you do for "our" government?


We've just got to raise our kids with respect and a good set of values. Beyond that, if you can give back...just fucking do it. If not, then pay extra taxes, the government will take care of them.


Who are you to tell me i dont give back... If you read that correctly i didnt add what i do, or how much i do give. Shut up and use some tissue to wipe your dumb ass.

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That's not the same....Nothing close. Nooses are known for hanging people. More commonly known for whites hanging blacks....Hence the reason simple minded kids are hanging them on black professors doors, etc. However, since you brought up the Wild West and Witch shit.....there again they were used to kill people, so the semblance a noose displays instantly brings death, whether black or white, most black, to a persons mind. To me, a lot of things are legal and i'm allowed to do it, but if I feel that what I do is going to ruffle the feathers of others regardless of how meaningless it may be to me.....I shouldn't do it. For instance....I have this sexy ass pic my GF had taken of her on her bike with a skirt on w/ a swimsuit top and heels.....I want to put it on my desk at work....hell, everyone wears swimsuits and skirts, women, but some fat bitch is going to see it and get offended.....



maybe noose means black to you noose means wild west to me I'm going to put a hangman up in my yard now just becuase that shit was on tv :)

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i seriously cant believe 2 things about that story:


1. that the lady would actually go to the cops. doesnt she realize they have MUCH better things to do? if someone was so offended, why wouldnt they just go up and knock on the door?


2. i WISH WISH WISH i had NOTHING BETTER to fucking worry about than what some asshole has on his front porch.

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Minding your own business is the way to go.


i agree wholeheartedly


EXCEPT for situations like this:




As stabbing victim LaShanda Calloway lay dying on the floor of a convenience store, five shoppers, including one who stopped to take a picture of her with a cell phone, stepped over the woman, police said.


thats taking mind your own business too far IMO.

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Who are you to tell me i dont give back... If you read that correctly i didnt add what i do, or how much i do give. Shut up and use some tissue to wipe your dumb ass.


I never said such a thing infering as to "what you do" and "what you do not do"....so please don't take it out of context.


Now unless you work for the government, then chances are you haven't done anything for them. The government doesn't benefit from anything besides levying taxes. I'm just taking your statements literally.



I'm just getting a vibe from you saying, "I already do enough for them!"

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