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Federal Goverment SUPPLIED Marijuana


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I can see that girls ribs. I do not like that on a girl. For that Alex you fail.



With that aside lets look outside the box for a bit. How well off is Amsterdam then we are? I am not going to answer that question because I honestly don't know. Someone I know from the internet lives in Amsterdam says education is free, plus they have free public transportation. The transportation is so good that he has never bought a car, ever. Also he has never done any illegal substances. at least illegal from USA laws. I don't know if what he said is true. He has never given me a reason to lie though, but this is the internet we are talking about here...


So how better off is Amsterdam then us? How about Holland as a whole? Do you feel our country could be the same or better off if everything was legal? If so then what is really wrong with drugs other then they destroy us slowly? Do you feel otherwise?


Smoking cigarettes is cheaper then going to a shrink weekly for the rest of your life. Can't society as a whole make their own decisions on how to cope with how our lives and/or the planet is gradually going down hill (my opinion. don't even begin to try to change it because it will be a waste of your time)?


For the longest I felt that people who say " I don't know but I am just happy all the time" are the ones who are insane. There was a comic today on TV that said something along the lines of ... "The correct response to ' I think you are clinically depressed ' is, Thank you for pointing that out. That means that I am awake."

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Smoke her and all your problems will go away.


Personally, Pot = Bad no matter how you slice it. Heck, most all of the drugs used to treat my brother who suffered with cancer for just over 12 years before he passed away last July are bad. I watched him suffer hard those last few months and no amount of drugs took away the suffering. They just masked the pain and created their own form of suffering. Just my opinion.


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Personally, Pot = Bad no matter how you slice it. Heck, most all of the drugs used to treat my brother who suffered with cancer for just over 12 years before he passed away last July are bad. I watched him suffer hard those last few months and no amount of drugs took away the suffering. They just masked the pain and created their own form of suffering. Just my opinion.


ok, So your saying something that causes Euphoria would not have in anyway comforted your brother. Thats a load of Balogne. Since docs even admit it helps . My aunts doc suggested it. Marinol does not cover the same things btw.


I think its heartless of you to tell soemone they can't atleast die feeling a tiny bit better. If it makes them feel any better it should be allowed.


What about extreme pain such as extreme back pain? I know I hated being on all that oxycotin.

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