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Comet In The Sky


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If anyone wants they can come up to my place near Marengo and watch it. In my back yard its about as dark as it gets anywhere in Ohio. Especially in the direction of that comet. Bring scopes and kids if you got'em. Its alot of fun and learning. Funny how much amature astronomers like showing off the night sky.

Its gonna be naked eye visable for a couple of weeks at least and I'm sure I can keep it in my scope until its past mars if anyone wants to look at a tiny dot:-)



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i just tried to look, but since my apartments have a light post right in front of my balcony, i couldnt see shit


oh well


You can barely see it anyway. Just looks like a blurry star.


And I really need to invest in a good telescope. My binoculars aren't cutting it.

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For those who want to find it, it's easy to see. Nothing more than a fuzzy ball in the sky with the naked eye though. I was just outside and found it. It will be visible for a few more weeks. Go here and use that to locate it... :nod:
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IMO through my 10x50 binoculars it really gives your imagination something to play with.

Surprisingly even though the big scope even at a very low power can see the dust cloud, the coma (central mass), and the shiny rock in the middle all in one view its just not as fun as the binos.


The sky is clear tonight, but not very transparent yet. That will probably change in a couple of hours so someone that isn't very familiar with star maps and the night sky would have difficulty finding it until then.


And yes it will be around for awhile as it loops around the sun and heads back out of the solar system. Unless of course it melts.



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