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need some advise


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well my scum bag ex in the last six months has decided to stop letting me see my oldest son. i am not allowed to call him or see him. she is also wanting me to sign away my parental rights to him. she has also threatened me (more than once i have the proof too) that if i didnt do so she is going to make my life a living hell(term she uses). now this morning i check the mail and there is a letter from pennsylvania where they now reside (my son his mother and the boyfriend) again stating she plans on going after the maximum amount of child support.


my question is can she just move out of state with a current support order/ visitation order

can she just terminate the order without my approval

does anyone know of a good lawyer that deals with this

and does anyone have a phone number to a good hit man!!!!!!!! kidding

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You definitely need a lawyer, she can't terminate your rights without you signing something that I know of.


I was dating a woman with kids who loved in ohio but move to MD to be with me and she let her ex know and got a visitation letter and had him read and sign it I believe. I hate when people do this shit with kids involved its so pathetic!


Good luck man.

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I seriously suggest finding a good lawyer. And you'd be amazed at what some states will let a woman get away with. There are also "Dad Rights Groups", so to speak that can help you deal with this and who know your rights. I don't know of any out here as I went through my divorce in California :doh: . Do some research and find one. They can help you find a good lawyer for this, as well.
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If you have a current order you can call the police in her town, fax them the order, they will go pick her up. This violation should at least get you another hearing to have the courts explain to her what is up.


I would go back at her the same way you go back at a bully. If you love your children, and they love you, she cannot separate you and I would believe they are worth it to you to fight for.

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thanks for the info guys. i do know that i have her dead to rights on at least two counts of contempt of court. on top of her not looking out for the best on our sons behalf ...... why would you pick up and leave in the middle of the school year. being a kid is hard enough let alone the disruption of a school change totaly new enviroment no family no friends nothing. to me that is just being selfish and plain bad parenting. the only reason she had to move is that is where her boyfriend is from. mind you she is one of the, im in love, he is the best, he wants to take care of us bitches that falls for it hook line and sinker. since we split 9 years ago its been a pattern for her.


scott offer appricated but i would get so much more satisfaction by cramming my hand down her fat pie hole and making her gag and puke.

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dude, I don't think they can do that... my fiance and I are going through al sorts of crap because she's wanting to move 30 miles from her current address (still in state) and he's throwing a fit even though he never sees her anyways.


take her to court.


edit: if you have ANY kind of visitation at all... you can go to the police and the police will take the child away and deliver them to you if you have not done some sort of legal agreement about her moving out of state....


just go get a lawyer...

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Get a lawyer ....when my mom an my sisters dad split up we were still in california...well my mom got a promotion an had to move to ohio but had to go to court to get my ex step dad to sign some sort of relese thing but had to make a contract saying my mom had to send my sister to her dad x amount of times per year yadayada its your kid to man I can't imagine how shitty it feels for u man sorry to hear this but get to court an fight it out...goodluck man
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