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Anyone ever gamble/invest in options?


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Well options are risky enough that you have to get cleared by most firms like scottrade to trade options. You really gotta know what your doing to do well and even for most day/swing traders they are much to risky. If your trading stocks a few times a week and doing well you might look into it but get practice with them first and read a lot of info about them while your at it.



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Also check out http://www.investopedia.com to get a lot of good info about all types of investing. They also run a real time real market simulator that I use to test trades.


http://www.superiorinvestor.net/ is also a great forum and they have an options trading section that might have answers for you.



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Ive done it using my scottrade account. It's like another job studing and keeping an eye on things. I made over $5500 on my best month. I lost money the last quarter I did it. I made good money overal but it was work. It pissed me off that i lost money and had to work to do it so I stopped. That was about a year ago.
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I mostly swing trade regular stocks and yes its work for sure. I only go for a couple hundred profit per trade usually thats only around a 2% gain, but thats a major rule "never swing for the fences." Its when you get greedy and hold on to long that you get hit.



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