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Unfortunately IPS strikes again....


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Someone needs to put a stop to the incompetence coming from this shop. Accelerated Performance received a newly built 2JZ a few weeks ago from a local Columbus customer suspecting something might be wrong. So during his off hours, Don did this guy a favor and inspected the build. In all his years, Don said he had never seen work like this before. He found:


* Piston bore .001 too big

* Mains .0002 UNDER the factory low side limit

* Rods .0003 UNDER the factory low side limit

* The billet mains were ground with what looked like a belt sander leaving no crush for the main cap

* Wrong wrist pins

* Wrong bearings

* Dirt throughout the bearings

* Crooked thrust bearing


The thrust bearing would have fucked the motor within minutes...all the other rookie mistakes would have at least let the motor run until it hit the dyno for the break-in :) In all seriousness, this is complete bullshit. I admit I used to laugh at the stuff I heard going on with their customers over the years, but this latest fuck up pissed me off. The guy works his ass off for the little money he earns to build his dream car and it's now going to probably cost him $1500 to re-machine everything....assuming Don can even fix the caps.


Shame on you IPS for fucking this kid over. Stick to installing exhausts and the occasional BBK. You have no business touching a motor, let alone building one. And don't blame the machine shop. Don triple checks everything at the machine shop before he assembles. The customer came to you and you are responsible for assuring it's done right.


IPS - refunding his money would be a start to fixing this mess.



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* Piston bore .001 too big


i dont see this being a HUGE problem unless the rings arent filling the bore. As long as the rings fill the bore and have the correct gap, i think thats about the maximum acceptable error you could have.


* Mains .0002 UNDER the factory low side limit

* Rods .0003 UNDER the factory low side limit


im no machinist, but i think that the maximum acceptable limit for error on mains and rods for most engines is .0005. Thats about 1/3 the width of a human hair...


* The billet mains were ground with what looked like a belt sander leaving no crush for the main cap

* Wrong wrist pins

* Wrong bearings

* Dirt throughout the bearings

* Crooked thrust bearing


This is stuff that you should NEVER see. If accurate, there is no excuse... especially dirt inside the rotating assembly.

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i dont see this being a HUGE problem unless the rings arent filling the bore. As long as the rings fill the bore and have the correct gap, i think thats about the maximum acceptable error you could have.


Well for one the piston was coated, so in addition to being noisy, it would lead to some pretty bad skirt scuffing. But you're right, this particular issue would not have led to catastrophic failure. It's just sloppy work.




im no machinist, but i think that the maximum acceptable limit for error on mains and rods for most engines is .0005. Thats about 1/3 the width of a human hair....


The issue here was they were way too tight for the power this motor would have made....in fact I doubt they did anything at all to clearance the bearings.

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Well for one the piston was coated, so in addition to being noisy, it would lead to some pretty bad skirt scuffing. But you're right, this particular issue would not have led to catastrophic failure. It's just sloppy work.

The issue here was they were way too tight for the power this motor would have made....in fact I doubt they did anything at all to clearance the bearings.


By tight, do you mean in radius, or in pressure of metal on metal? Either way, im not on the same page so my answer is probably of no use.

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we never touched that motor in any way.


If IPS accepted money, they should stand behind the work. It doesn't matter who touched it, what matters is that all parties involved are satisfied. I'm sure that if Fowler's shop did poor work then IPS could refund their customers money or purchase a built engine and then ask for a return of the machining charges from Fowler.


There is no need for anyone else on this forum to know what goes on behind the scenes. Job is fucked up? Sorry, we'll make it right (within reason). This is very basic customer service. That said, I hope all parties involved end up satisfied.

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If IPS accepted money, they should stand behind the work. It doesn't matter who touched it, what matters is that all parties involved are satisfied. I'm sure that if Fowler's shop did poor work then IPS could refund their customers money or purchase a built engine and then ask for a return of the machining charges from Fowler.


There is no need for anyone else on this forum to know what goes on behind the scenes. Job is fucked up? Sorry, we'll make it right (within reason). This is very basic customer service. That said, I hope all parties involved end up satisfied.


Apologize .....yes.

Willingly sit back while your name is dragged through the mud.... no. I say own it, but tell the entire story to save some credibility.

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Apologize .....yes.

Willingly sit back while your name is dragged through the mud.... no


If they willingly let an engine go through their shop that wasn't right, then the customer has every right to complain, though preferably to IPS in person first to give them a chance to make things right if it was truly a mistake.


As a consumer, I would like to know about any and all issues that customers have at businesses that I may patronize. I would also like to see how the business responds to unsatisfied customers. It is not difficult to determine by reading both sides if I want to do business at that establishment or not. Case in point, read the thread about Rolla. It is obvious that Rolla operates in an unquestionable manner. Professionalism and tact are sometimes just as necessary as competence in your business. If you lack one, you must have the other to stay afloat.

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check your caca,


this post wasnt created by the customer...


it sounds like someone who has motive against IPS, of course they are going to do anything to slam them...


for all we know IPS did not have the chance to make things right before the other shop tore into the motor..

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If IPS accepted money, they should stand behind the work. It doesn't matter who touched it, what matters is that all parties involved are satisfied. I'm sure that if Fowler's shop did poor work then IPS could refund their customers money or purchase a built engine and then ask for a return of the machining charges from Fowler.


There is no need for anyone else on this forum to know what goes on behind the scenes. Job is fucked up? Sorry, we'll make it right (within reason). This is very basic customer service. That said, I hope all parties involved end up satisfied.


Eli, I understand this, and unfortunatly Jamie has made us aware of this before the customer, once we hear the issue from our customer who spent their hard earned money we will resolve that then; its hard to solve a problem you did not realize was a problem. We are very good people to work with, and I am certain that the owner of this motor will take any issue he has up with us.


Jamie has a point, we do look over motors, you would be ignorant not to as a performance shop. But this was a tricky situation on this motor, as we never had a chance to literally unwrap it. The day we picked the motor up from the machine shop, was the day the customers father came in to take it home till his son gets back over the holidays. The customer sent us used parts off a forum not knowing their condition, neither did we; the parts arrived, and we sent them to the machine shop, and the waiting game began. He then decieded to go a differnt direction with the cars build up due to choosing a differnt engine managment system unrealted to the motor (he is serving in Iraq right now and I hope like all other service men he is well as I have not heard from him in a month now). He spoke very highly of us through the whole process of the motor build, and we told him exaclty everything he every asked, he was happy with who was going to be doing the machine work, as were we. Unfortunatly it seems from Jamie's post we may have some issues to work out. IPS does, and has always taken responsibility for our customers issues an complaints, this time will be no different. There is always a twist to a story when you want it to be percieved a certain way, this is why we have lawers an a judical system, an it seems Jamie is the unassigned prosecutor.


I see no need like Brian said, to drag any names through the mud, but some feel the need, thats politics; you have to play the game Hillary says.


Interesting though once the truth comes out IE Greg powers then people stop crying wolf. This is all the more IPS will delve into the topic.



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