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Self defense.....my ASS!!!


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Petty crook or not, they come into my house, they get blown the fuck away, I am not going to have time to ask them "if" they are here for my "playstation", or my life! If you want to take the possesions that I worked hard to attain, you do so at your own risk! End of story!


+10000000 :thumbup:

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i'm sorry, you have a right to protect your own life or that of friends and loved ones in self-defense as in immediate danger or an asshole with a weapon...but you don't have the right to use deadly force just because some jerk wants to steal your or/neighbor's Playstation, money, tv...or whatever. i'd venture to say 90% of these people are petty crooks that will run like the wind when you shout at them.


to let an action like this slide, imho, opens up a whole new can of worms. you'll have people accidentally on private property being shot and killed, or an easy out for murderers...just invite the person to your house, then just claim they came barging in trying to steal stuff so you let'em have it.


Obviously you have NEVER had anything stolen from you or your family. Think of the most important thing in your life and then think what you would do without it. Then tell me you would let a piece of shit petty thief have it... :wtf:


I hope all my neighbors are like him when I move back to Texas.... :grin2:

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Obviously you have NEVER had anything stolen from you or your family. Think of the most important thing in your life and then think what you would do without it. Then tell me you would let a piece of shit petty thief have it... :wtf:


I hope all my neighbors are like him when I move back to Texas.... :grin2:


i've had people kick in my apartment door back in the day to steal a television, parents house was broken into and they stole a diamond ring that I had bought for an ex...and have also woken up to go to work only to find my FD up on blocks and my Volks stolen..and yes i was very mad, but in the end it really didn't matter insurance covered it and i actually came out even better than before because i'm a bargain shopper =P


the most important thing in my life is exactly that: my life! my friends/family/gf/pets...i don't look at a Nintendo and think i would be lost if someone stole it. i aslo don't think it would matter if someone wanted the $100 i keep in my sock drawer.....if it was the briefcase full of 20's i have under the bed, well that's a different story :eek:


the point is, what material possession is really worth the value of someone's life? allbeit, this may be some scumbag who's life is worthless, but it also may be someone who needs desperate help and makes bad decisions.


oh well, it's a Saturday....time to party....GO BUCKS!

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Awwww, some bleeding heart liberal defending criminals....nice.




NOT!!!! I am pro gun and carry a .45 on my hip EVERYday. The thieves got what they deserved, but to use "self defense" here is the wrong term. He was in his own home, SAFE, called 911, and was told to stay in his home. He took it upon his self to go out there and engage them. That is not self defense. He was not in harms way AT ALL! I guess state laws just differ that way...Here, if I engage a criminal leaving my OWN home as I approach, I am in trouble.

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i'm sorry, you have a right to protect your own life or that of friends and loved ones in self-defense as in immediate danger or an asshole with a weapon...but you don't have the right to use deadly force just because some jerk wants to steal your or/neighbor's Playstation, money, tv...or whatever. i'd venture to say 90% of these people are petty crooks that will run like the wind when you shout at them.


to let an action like this slide, imho, opens up a whole new can of worms. you'll have people accidentally on private property being shot and killed, or an easy out for murderers...just invite the person to your house, then just claim they came barging in trying to steal stuff so you let'em have it.



My point exactly.....He should have let the police do their job....followed them or something to be caught.....to kill them and call self defense is wrong..


Obviously you have NEVER had anything stolen from you or your family.


That's all good....IF it's your family, not the guy across the street.


Petty crook or not, they come into my house, they get blown the fuck away, I am not going to have time to ask them "if" they are here for my "playstation", or my life! If you want to take the possesions that I worked hard to attain, you do so at your own risk! End of story!


That's a given to engage, if you confront them in your home or they force entry. However, if you ever take any OHIO gun class....You will learn the rules of engagement are nothing like TV depicts. Criminals are safer than you think when it comes to the average citizen using a weapon.

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personally, I don't see anything wrong with what he did. in TX things are different than here and I can't wait to see such a law in Ohio.


as the artical says, at night in TX, you're allowed to use deadly force to stop such actions. we can all debate the issue, but if he believes there was no other way to protect the belongings and that he was likely going to be exposed to serious danger than he is in the right to have killed them.


he'll get off. my brother has lived in a small town outside Houston for over 20 years and I hear about stuff like this all the time through him. I've yet to hear of someone being convicted.


IMO, he was fine. sure he could have waited for the cops, but I have nothing ethically holding me back from saying he was anything but right. fuck all criminals. they got what they deserved and hopefully rott in hell forever. I can't say I would do the same thing in Ohio unless my nieghbor was a relative, but if it was or ever is my own home, there will be two dead bodies in my yard for sure.

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Awwww, some bleeding heart liberal defending criminals....nice.


That old man deserves a medal. He is more than welcome to move into my neighborhood.


If your labeling him a liberal I'll guess your more conservative with your beliefs. Crack open a bible and see what it has to say about killing someone.


I agree with doing what you have to in order to protect your family if someone breaks into your house. But taking someones life b/c you see them taking some stupid material items from your neighbors house??? Seriously??


Should the MPAA start hiring people to come shoot us for stealing movies? Should Time Warner send out a hit man for people caught with cable descramblers?? Killing thieves is ok right??

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i've had people kick in my apartment door back in the day to steal a television, parents house was broken into and they stole a diamond ring that I had bought for an ex...and have also woken up to go to work only to find my FD up on blocks and my Volks stolen..and yes i was very mad, but in the end it really didn't matter insurance covered it and i actually came out even better than before because i'm a bargain shopper =P


the most important thing in my life is exactly that: my life! my friends/family/gf/pets...i don't look at a Nintendo and think i would be lost if someone stole it. i aslo don't think it would matter if someone wanted the $100 i keep in my sock drawer.....if it was the briefcase full of 20's i have under ssion is really worth the value of someone's life? allbeit, this may be some scumbag who's life is worthless, but it also may be someone who needs desperate help and makes bad decisions.


oh well, it's a Saturday....time to party....GO BUCKS!


Now lets reverse the roles and say the thief was armed. He came for your TV and found you and your wife/gf/family instead. Got spooked and decided he didn't want any witnesses. You going to shoot him before or after he pulls a gun on your family just for a lousy piece of property....?


I agree with you but home invasions are becoming more common and sometimes a quick buck aren't what they are after anymore.... :nono::mad:

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I have an idea: let's just let criminals get away with everything.


If you choose being a theif as a profession, then your work hazzard is getting shot/killed. Just like someone who does welding on a skyscraper has the work hazard of falling to his death. Pretty simple concept.

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If you choose being a theif as a profession, then your work hazzard is getting shot/killed. Just like someone who does welding on a skyscraper has the work hazard of falling to his death. Pretty simple concept.

That is exactly what was going to say, you beat me to it!

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It has been made already but i am goin to say it again... I am not goin to question weather or not a theif is there for my plasma TV or my my and my gf/wife/child/brother/mother/father/friend/guardian/ and so on. You enter my place and your getting 2 in the chest, 1 in the head, and a point blank make sure shot to the dome. Granted, this was the neighbors property, but I would hope if the situation was reversed his neighbor would have done the same. Know the risk of your job, your a theif, you flirt with the fact that you may 1 day be dead for your job.
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This is BS...Convict his old ass!





"The Texas Penal Code says a person can use force or deadly force to defend someone else's property if he reasonably believes he has a legal duty to do so or the property owner had requested his protection."


Very interesting penal code.....

I agree 100% with the old man, he's doing the world a favor by taking criminals off the street. It may not have been self defense, but he was doing a favor to his neighbor aswell.

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Well, with an argument this sound..I guess I'll have to rethink things!



My argument was that deadly force is a little extreme given the situation.


I was more making an assumption(likely my first mistake) that b/c of his conservative beliefs that he was a person of faith. People of faith look to the bible, and it pretty clearly says thou shall not kill. It doesn't say its cool if someone is jacking your rims. If I need to I'll hunt for the scripture where its said to love your enemies and pray for those who try to persecute you. I guess being a Sunday Christian is easier for everyone though.


I'd also bet most of you praising the murder of these robbers have stolen music, movies or software in your lifetime. That seems a little hypocritical to me to spout out how much you hate them damn thieves. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

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My argument was that deadly force is a little extreme given the situation.


I was more making an assumption(likely my first mistake) that b/c of his conservative beliefs that he was a person of faith. People of faith look to the bible, and it pretty clearly says thou shall not kill. It doesn't say its cool if someone is jacking your rims. If I need to I'll hunt for the scripture where its said to love your enemies and pray for those who try to persecute you. I guess being a Sunday Christian is easier for everyone though.


I'd also bet most of you praising the murder of these robbers have stolen music, movies or software in your lifetime. That seems a little hypocritical to me to spout out how much you hate them damn thieves. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.



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O noes, I have a disgusting amount of transfer on a few torrent sites. No high horse here. I however am not bitching about people being thieves either. I'll take it you've never once dl'd anything that you didn't pay for???? Right.......


i pay for the internet, so if its on the internet, i can down load it at my leasure, music, movies, even naked pictures of your hottest cousin. If its supposed to cost EXTRA, then it needs to be a secure file.

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That's a given to engage, if you confront them in your home or they force entry. However, if you ever take any OHIO gun class....You will learn the rules of engagement are nothing like TV depicts. Criminals are safer than you think when it comes to the average citizen using a weapon.


Not trying to beat a dead horse here, but I could really give a shit about "the law", or rules of engagement when some deadbeat mutherfucker breaks into my home. There is no such thing as a "safe criminal" in my home, and if I have to go to jail for protectiing my home, so be it.

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People of faith look to the bible, and it pretty clearly says thou shall not kill. It doesn't say its cool if someone is jacking your rims. If I need to I'll hunt for the scripture where its said to love your enemies and pray for those who try to persecute you. I guess being a Sunday Christian is easier for everyone though.


We'll see how this works out for you should anything ever personally happen to you. God forbid somebody hurts your wife/ children. Would't want to hurt them or anything, that would be wrong. Allow them to finish their business and then await a fair trial I suppose.

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I am against carrying any type of handgun. I see NO use for them. That being said, this guy didn't have a handgun and wasn't carrying it... he was safe at home, and that's what will get him in trouble.


If he would have never called 911, he could have made it a self defense case but it's all on tape, him not doing what the dispatcher said and left his house to kill them, not even to stop them. Very scary and very intense...


I actually think this guy was a hero and feel really bad for him and his family. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time but he acted on his emotions. Unfortunetly, I think he will be in trouble for it...


And I hope I have neighbors like Joe Horn.

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