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Self defense.....my ASS!!!


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You wouldn't be saying that if you had a 300 LB man trying to rape you, or kill you inside your home.


If I was inside my home, I would already have my shotgun.


I understand it's for protection but protection is a mere perspective. Protection to me could mean calling the cops and letting the right people handle it. To you, it could be blowing their head off.

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If I was inside my home, I would already have my shotgun.


I understand it's for protection but protection is a mere perspective. Protection to me could mean calling the cops and letting the right people handle it. To you, it could be blowing their head off.


Because police response time is EXCELLENT in any and all situations...



"hold on mr. 300lb man. Don't rape me just yet. I've got to get out my phone first and call the police."


Get real. :rolleyes:

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Uh you better be gone in the morning!


Don't make me get my gun!

Shoot n' scoot huh? :lol: I agree with ya Austin, police arrival time is down right horrible sometimes. I'll say one thing about police officers, they like to think before they act. Thinking takes time, that's where real action comes into play. Meaning reacting to a situation in real time and being on your feet. First one to pull the trigger in the 3-5 seconds you have upon confrontation, wins the battle. Plain and simple.

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Shoot n' scoot huh? :lol: I agree with ya Austin, police arrival time is down right horrible sometimes. I'll say one thing about police officers, they like to think before they act. Thinking takes time, that's where real action comes into play. Meaning reacting to a situation in real time and being on your feet. First one to pull the trigger in the 3-5 seconds you have upon confrontation, wins the battle. Plain and simple.


Ever seen a reaction time like this from the police?




Enjoy your death.

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We'll see how this works out for you should anything ever personally happen to you. God forbid somebody hurts your wife/ children. Would't want to hurt them or anything, that would be wrong. Allow them to finish their business and then await a fair trial I suppose.


I already covered that.


I agree with doing what you have to in order to protect your family if someone breaks into your house.


If someone comes into my home I'm going to do what it takes to protect my girls, that's kind of a no-brainer. We're in agreement that in that situation anything is fair game. What I don't need holding over my head is taking someones life to keep a hold of a silly car CD player or my neighbors jewelry box.

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That's why it makes sense that if in a panic situation my wife should hit the fire alarm button on our Security system. The FD is one block over and behind our house and can literally make it to our house in less than 60 seconds. The alarm also goes right to them vs having a security system person call our home. Then after pressing the Fire button, just dial 911 on the phone or cell. Either way, a bugler isn't likely going to stick around for long with a truck load of guys storming the house and cops shortly there after.


I remember a number of years ago, we had some punks knocking over mailboxes, etc.....the neighbors and us called the cops and it took like 20 minutes to see a cruiser just go down the road slowly.


When it happened again this spring, they got a call about a car load of guys smashing boxes and firing a gun at some from a car window....cops were here in less than 3 minutes. Half true but it cut the reaction time enough so that they actually arrived and caught the bastards. ;)


dude some girl started seziuring(spl?) at my work and the cops were there within 3 minutes and ambulance within five
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I remember a number of years ago, we had some punks knocking over mailboxes, etc.....the neighbors and us called the cops and it took like 20 minutes to see a cruiser just go down the road slowly.


When it happened again this spring, they got a call about a car load of guys smashing boxes and firing a gun at some from a car window....cops were here in less than 3 minutes. Half true but it cut the reaction time enough so that they actually arrived and caught the bastards. ;)


yea, my bad on the first one

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Someone get this man's address. I'm shipping him a case of beer.


I will send him one as well, the law was placed in action for a reason and it takes good people which there are far too many in todays society to take action and make a difference.


Thieves have no place in this world and that man made sure they would not do harm to someone

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"Police have not found the families of the dead men, who both are in their 30's. One had identification indicating he was from Puerto Rico, the other had paper indicating he may have been from Puerto Rico, Colombia or the Dominican Republic, he said."


Kudos to the guy in texas, not only did he take out two less thieves in the world, but two less illegal immigrants.

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