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COMPAQ p3 laptops


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Well I'm going over tuesday of next week is the plan to grab them I'm in training all week so picking them up from me or dropping off will happen in the evening. or weekend. I'm going to try and put them all on my credit card so I can get them all at once.


I'm going to sitdown this weekend and write a list of who all wants what and how many and order of operations

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I just talked to the contact at where I used to work, He's going to be helping me get them to people because I'm in training.


They should still have win2k installed with all patches. Sorry if you don't want want one like that . They are all being wiped, and reloaded.

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ok, I got 13 of them ready PLUS I got 4 Higher end ones that are going for 100 a pop.



I will post stats on them when i get home.



So I will make the list of who gets what tonight and start pming poeple contact info. My buddy matt frank will most likely be giving poeople there lappys since I'm going to training all this week.



so 13 M700's

and 4 Evo's

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