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basketball babies


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so im a basketball official and i was keeping clock/score today at the jcc (jewish community center) and i just cant understand why these fucking guys are complaining this much about 35 plus yr old basketball. ok yeah you get your occasional guy who just likes to make a scene or pout but everyone of these guys were bitching about the score, and the refs and how bad the balls were. i had to argue with a guy because he was wondering why i didnt stop the clock when the ball went out of bounds.then another guy was bitching cause he fouled out. he had the nerve to say i couldnt count, wtf,5 fouls is 5 fouls. jesus , just felt like ranting.
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i'm in a similar situation, I ref intramural sports for BU. I mostly do basketball where 99% of the people are really cool and every once in a while there's a dick, but reffing soccer is a whole different story. In no way am I being racist, but the truth of it is that the fucking foreigners who take it way too seriously make it suck. Most of the goofy college kids just wanna get drunk and play soccer, but there's a lot of REALLY good teams made up of all Saudi or all Brazilian or all German kids and there's maybe one of them that treats anyone with respect. I've ejected people for trying to sneak shots at other guy's balls, blatantly taking a swing at another player, slide tackling the goalie unprovoked. Its annoying as hell.
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Haha I quit playing in leagues due to people bitching. Im 6'6 and usually the tallest guy on the court, I got tired of being hacked on purpose every time I touched the ball and then I got tired of hearing the other guys bitch and cry for foul when I was swatting them. I am one of the guys that takes a beating but never bitches because I figure i'll just drop 40 on them to shut em up lol. People find the dumbest reasons to bitch and moan, its not the NBA for gods sake. Most people are out there to stay in shape, not get a shoe contract.
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I dont think its restricted to just basketball. I play Rec league hockey and there can be plenty of bitching there aswell. Obviously hockey is a much more physical sport than basketball but there is still the occassional whine and cry about "why didnt you call that hook" or "is he allowed to just push me like that to take the puck?" The crying is always worse when your in a lower/novice league where people just dont know the rules aswell as they should and either end up commiting a penalty then complaining it shouldnt be called or complain a penalty should be called when its perfectly legal. Ive gotten to the point where I dont even bother arguing a call unless its obvious it is totally uncalled for. I know when i commit something and deserve 2 minutes for it, I think i've argued one call in the last year of play in multiple leagues.
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^^^you at least know what you're talking about.


it really is annoying when I make a call and the guys look at me dumbfounded like they didn't just step underneath a guy midair trying to get a rebound. Whenever they give me shit I either A) tech 'em up if I'm in a shit mood or they've been disrespectful or B) if they've been respectful or they come up to me and ask me why instead of just yelling 'what???' I tell them "if you were watching tv and you saw Shaq do that to Garnett, would you be screaming for blood or saying that Shaq had every right to do that"

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