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I feel old

V8 Beast

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Have you recently listened to the radio and thought "what the hell is this crap?!"

Have you turned on the TV to notice flaming homosexuals on like 20 different channels?

Have you noticed that its ok to cuss on local tv at 8:00pm. I remember when you had to wait until 10:00pm for the adult shows to start.


I'm seriously starting to feel old. I dont know when it became acceptable for guys to french kiss each other on tv. I dont know when it became ok for women to grope each other and make out on local tv. And since when does pg13 mean "some nudity"???? When I was young pg13 meant put the lotion away ;) The most you got out of PG13 was the use of the F-bomb and some moderate violence!!!


As far as music is concerned ......

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsa8iokHUnU My son and nephews were listening to this yesterday. All I can say is... WTF!!!!!


The world is going to hell in a hand basket and we all have gasoline drawers on!!!!

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I can testify to this type of stuff as well. My sons have listened to "soldier boy" enough times, I could probably do the dance myself. I hear the word "sex" on tv, I feel uneasy. My wife and I are constantly glancing over at one another when we hear even some shows geared towards kids, displaying sexual undertones. The music of today has no soul. Kids listen for the pure gimmick of the songs. And Brian that song is horrible.
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This isn't new. Most cartoons in the past had sexual innuendos in them. Pee Wee's Play House is on insight free on demand. Watch one of those shows again. Makes you wonder how they got away with it. Now I know why some of my friends say their parents wouldn't let them watch it.


"Thats a BIG pencil you have!" ^_^

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As far as music is concerned ......

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsa8iokHUnU My son and nephews were listening to this yesterday. All I can say is... WTF!!!!!




I think that justifies for some child abuse right there. That's absolutely TERRIBLE.


I won't go and say there is no good music. There is. However, things certainly are changing constantly in the music biz. First, rap blew up. Everyone wanting to jump on the boat, and artists couldn't come up with anything original, so they started just doing remakes and samples of older music. That got old, and they started making shit like what you posted above. There is no creativity in that genre. I've also noticed there is no shelf life. People will go crazy about a song for about 3 weeks, at which point that artist is completely forgotten.


Theres also issues with the labels not doing shit for artists any more which is keeping artists from growing and coming out with multiple albums, now everyone is a one hit wonder. This creates a need to go over the top for that one song, grab everyones attention, because you know thats all you will ever have.


I've started listening to a lot of country. It's changed in the last five years, it's become younger and far more upbeat and positive. The songs are fun. I grew out of hard rock/metal for the most part, just got tired of it. I say this as I'm listening to Killswitch Engage screaming, lol.

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Yeah, and what were our parents thinking when we were listening to this? (1979, Probably LONG before most of your were born ):




Damn 79, I would have figured mid 80's. Quick, someone make a video of the cr cars using this song.

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and sorry mike new country sucks ass, some is allright but old country is where it is at


This is the truth.


I do like Spongebob, Invader Zim, and Farly Odd Parents. Though the last one has the most "Gay" stuff in it. Very clever cartoons if you pay attention to the jokes. I ROFL quite often when watching these. Especially Invader Zim. That is one very odd show.



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I felt old when I first heard "Welcome to te Jungle" plugged as 'Classic Rock' on the radio.


Oh, you can tune to 99.7 and they will play GNR and call it new rock. Bush, Metallica, and Alice in chains are still new rock as well. You are still young according to teh blitz. :)

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Being a 40 yr old Christian man I am glad to see a lot of people observing what I am always complaining about.I have 3 kids 14,11(a girl) and 6 and sometimes get freaked out at what they are going to face when they grow up.Everyone is afraid to stand up for what is right for fear of hurting someone elses feelings.I of course repeat the saying "America is taking God out of everything and then wondering why the Country is going to Hell".
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