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verizon phone options need help

Big A

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Well as of today I'm able to get a new phone. I can't pick which one if any i want to get just yet. Anyone that works there or has a good verizon phone let me know. As of now I like the Eny, vx8700, and vx9400 but none of them really impressed me. Any input on these phones or other verizon phones would be great. My other choice is to wait for a couple months and see what else comes out. What do you guys think?
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I have the VX10000 (Voyage) have had it since wednesday, on howardforums there is a lot of threads on them already but I have been happy with it. The scrolling on the touch screen takes some time to get used to because to page up you don't drag down you grab and pull up.


I love the phone it is a little bulky but if you're not looking for some small phone it seems to be ok. It still fits in my front pocket just fine also. The colors on the display are out of control very vivid.

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Am I reading Verizon's website right? With the voyager the data transfer is $1.99 per MB?!!!!! When I went to purchase the plan and phone online there was no option for Data transfer plan, only voice and TV and it stated the above in the small print.


$15 a month for unlimited.. or just get the premium plan that includes everything vz nav, vcast, unlim mess. ect, ect



I will have a green en-v for sale once I get my voyager...


The 8700 is good phone if I didn't need the keyboard that would be the phone I would have. The Razr 2 is growing on me but then again it's made by VERY unrealiable Motorola.


If you don't need all the bells and whistles then pretty much anything not made by Motorola will suite your needs it all depends on what you NEED and not what you want. It's pointless spending a lot of money on a phone that does alot of stuff but you're gonna just be making and receiving phone calls

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Yea I was messing around with the Voyager on friday when I was at the store and that phone was pretty sweet. I guess I'll look into the data transfer and other options since i dont have any of them now. The only bad thing about it is the price, but thats because it just came out so what can ya do. Thanks for all the input guys.
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