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Doing drugs at work!


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Its your business so do what you please but bringing in a cop wont do anything but scare the person away.


Think of it, you gather all 11 employee's to meet with you and this cop and you scare them into taking a pee test. No on is going to admit to doing anything illicit in front of a cop for fear of being arrested. so they pee in a cup and you never see them again.


Have you thought of just pulling some of them aside and saying 'listen do what ever you want off work time, just dont bring that crap here. Its a liability to me and this business so keep it to yourself' or do you really feel the need for retribution in this case?

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Don't agree with the 'on the job' smoking but, damn, it's freaking weed. I'd rather deal with stoners on the job than a fucking drunk.


This country is so fucked up it's not even funny.

I think you are right... it is hypocritical to tax and sell alcohol then put people in jail for weed.

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I think you are right... it is hypocritical to tax and sell alcohol then put people in jail for weed.



Weed will never be legalized because the govment cannot make money off of it. Think about it - how many people can afford their own microbrewery to support their alcoholic ways? How many people can afford/have the room to grow their own tobacco to support the addictive nature of cigarettes? Let alone have access to the extremely harmful carcinogens that are added to tobacco?


No, the average person cannot do any of this, thus, the need for factories, brewery's, etc.... to make the crap for them, allowing the govment to tax that - they make a fucking KILLING off of alcohol and tobacco.


How you gonna tax fucking Bob down the street for taking 1 seed and a small corner of his backyard and turning it into enough weed for the summer? NOTHING added but God's sun, rain and soil.

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If it is determined that one of your employees does in fact lose his/her job because of their "addiction", is there a possibilty that this could be a hipaa violation? I believe an addiction falls under a health condition.

That would only count if you are a health care provider. HIPPA does not apply to employers. They could argue that they have a disability though, and call in the Civil Rights Commission.

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What happen to Pizza Hut pizza anyway? It used to be the bomb back in the day. Pizza Hut has by far the most inconsistent product in the business. Marketing is the only thing that keeps the #'s up. I'm a mom-n-pop shop pizza guy myself. I would say Marco's, Donatos and Minute man have the best product out there as far as the franchises are concerned but you throw the mom-n-pop shops in the mix, like Rotolo's, Panzerra's and Enrico's...shhh, if your gonna get a pie you might as well get something worth eating.
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So someone was smoking a lil weed making pizza? I do realize it's not professional, but then, you pay minimum wage, your benifits suck, and where do you go in a company like that? To store manager, to brag about having the highest sales in the surrounding state? You'd have to be high to want to do that and take it serious. hell, remember a few months back i pm'd you about pizza hut? yea, it took all of four seconds to say fuck that and go back to turning wrenches.


Here's some advice, take it or leave it. loosen up that tie, roll a joint for yourself, relax, and quit fucking acting like you run a god damn fortune 500 company, You dont. Its pizza hut. brought to you by the makers of kfc and taco hell.



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What happen to Pizza Hut pizza anyway? It used to be the bomb back in the day. Pizza Hut has by far the most inconsistent product in the business. Marketing is the only thing that keeps the #'s up. I'm a mom-n-pop shop pizza guy myself. I would say Marco's, Donatos and Minute man have the best product out there as far as the franchises are concerned but you throw the mom-n-pop shops in the mix, like Rotolo's, Panzerra's and Enrico's...shhh, if your gonna get a pie you might as well get something worth eating.


You haven't been to Nick's place then I take it. I have never had any problems with them. Pizza/wings are always hot/fresh and they have never F'ed up my order.

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That would only count if you are a health care provider. HIPPA does not apply to employers. They could argue that they have a disability though, and call in the Civil Rights Commission.


I believe it was a federal law for all employers to follow hippa laws. Any employer that offers health care to an employee.

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Funny, we bash smokers - the latest trend - yet we still sell the shit (more expensive now too) but make ridiculous claims that smoking raises health care costs, blah blah blah, and the whole time it's some grossly overweight fat fuck in a suit telling you this. The epitomy of heart attack victim, high cholesterol, stroke ready fat fucks telling me that I should quit smoking, or, I cannot be hired because I smoke. Yeah, because treating heart disease is cheap nowadays - there must be rebates floating out there somewhere.



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I believe it was a federal law for all employers to follow hippa laws. Any employer that offers health care to an employee.

If I understand you.... you are referring to the privacy portion of it?


HIPPA is a vast set of laws that are very complicated, but for the most part the privacy portion only refers to health care providers that I am aware of. It refers to "covered entities" those are health plans, health care providers, and health care clearing houses. Unless the employers is operating in one or more of those capacities the law does not apply to them.


Basically the law was written by the slick Willy and cronies to "help" get health records into the electronic age, but it is much more than that. The law has many gray areas that are miss understood and even the federal government has given conflicting stories over the years. IMHO all it has done is drive health care cost up.

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Matt said everything I wanted to say. Youre seriously going to call the fucking cops because one of the people you pay minimum wage decided that he doesnt give a fuck about working at Pizza hut? Be a fucking man and find out who it is and discipline them accordingly, dont be a total wussbag and call Johnny Law, who may or may not smoke pot himself.




Disrespect? Please. You're a Pizza Jockey, even if you are a really good one. People have been and will always be disrespecting you, deal with it.

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Here's my take:

As someone who admittedly smokes, I think smoking isn't a big deal. I wish it were decrimminalized, but while it's not and I knowingly am engaging in an illegal activity, I'm 100% prepared to face the consequences. That means that I never ever smoke before or during work, or even days in advance if I know I have some important shit to do. Smoking is a recreation for me, it helps me relax, but it should never take precedence over anything else in my life. The moment pot interferes with my life is the moment I quit, but right now I've got 2 good jobs and am a fulltime student with a decent GPA. When that falls apart or when other commitments start requiring more of me, then I'll think about quitting.


That tirade out of the way, I think this reaction is perfectly reasonable. Its illegal. He has every right to fire everyone who tests positive, because if there IS a problem it comes back and bites him in the ass.

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What happen to Pizza Hut pizza anyway? It used to be the bomb back in the day. Pizza Hut has by far the most inconsistent product in the business. Marketing is the only thing that keeps the #'s up. I'm a mom-n-pop shop pizza guy myself. I would say Marco's, Donatos and Minute man have the best product out there as far as the franchises are concerned but you throw the mom-n-pop shops in the mix, like Rotolo's, Panzerra's and Enrico's...shhh, if your gonna get a pie you might as well get something worth eating.


Problem the past couple years is a rediculous amount of upper management turn over... like 400%. Its getting better though... the first year you basically have to learn your business on its own level... come to mine and then to Sullivant and then harrisburg pike... the business is WAY different.


As for everyone dwelling on the cop... the idea of the cop is for HR. Just incase someone throws a fit and want to lawyer up, i have the ability to say i had an unassociated witness that is also trained to deal with narcotics. Also, to verify that any tests that may happen, are done correctly, and canbe validated by a professional, as well as my boss. Im doing it to cover my ass mostly... in any level of upper managment, you learn to cover all the bases very VERY thuroughly....

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Problem the past couple years is a rediculous amount of upper management turn over... like 400%. Its getting better though... the first year you basically have to learn your business on its own level... come to mine and then to Sullivant and then harrisburg pike... the business is WAY different.


As for everyone dwelling on the cop... the idea of the cop is for HR. Just incase someone throws a fit and want to lawyer up, i have the ability to say i had an unassociated witness that is also trained to deal with narcotics. Also, to verify that any tests that may happen, are done correctly, and canbe validated by a professional, as well as my boss. Im doing it to cover my ass mostly... in any level of upper managment, you learn to cover all the bases very VERY thuroughly....


Its a waiste of time arguing. Its simple, if you smoke at work you are a retard and deserve to be fired. Forget their pay, their minimum wage doesnt give them a right to be bud heads. If anything its makes them more retarded for spending the little bit of money they have on weed!


About them not making enough to care.... the paycheck they make is thier means of buying that crap in most cases. If they are so much of an addict that they cant wait until they get home, they will be s.o.l. after they get fired. Especially when they cant pass a piss test to get another job. They may not care now, but they will when they apply for a job at Papa Johns in 3 weeks.

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