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Bin Laden is a fucking idiot


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Fifth paragraph down:

"You didn't respect the rules of war and attacked and killed women and children on purpose," the speaker says.


What in the fuck does he think he did by attacking New York, DC, and Pennsylvania? Jesus Christ I want to fucking tea-bag that asshole, then draw a fucking cartoon of Mohammad on his chest with lipstick, then watch him die a slow and miserable death. What a fucking douche.

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I'd love to torture the ever living shit out of him with plastic utensils, a bic lighter, a rabbie infested Bald Eagle, and various symbols of the US. Then when he is still alive, parade him through every city in America to let people spit on him, throw rocks, and beat the crap out of him. Best of all let him die slow.
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He is actually smarter than any 2 of us combined. It's hard to label an idiot a single dude who mobilized the greatest civilized power in the world into a war of attrition... as he predicted long before 9-11.


Just sayin.


The man is a coward plain and simple.

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Before you all brandish your pitchforks and question my patriotism...


It is your visceral knee jerk reactions which compel you to dismiss those who oppose your point of view/ideology/rationale as "idiots" that defines everything that is wrong with the political discourse in this country.


At least attempting to ascertain the perspective of your enemy makes fighting him, his rhetoric, and his ideology actually possible.

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Before you all brandish your pitchforks and question my patriotism...


It is your visceral knee jerk reactions which compel you to dismiss those who oppose your point of view/ideology/rationale as "idiots" that defines everything that is wrong with the political discourse in this country.


At least attempting to ascertain the perspective of your enemy makes fighting him, his rhetoric, and his ideology actually possible.



Somebody paid attention in school :D

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Guest Mushijobah
Before you all brandish your pitchforks and question my patriotism...


It is your visceral knee jerk reactions which compel you to dismiss those who oppose your point of view/ideology/rationale as "idiots" that defines everything that is wrong with the political discourse in this country.


At least attempting to ascertain the perspective of your enemy makes fighting him, his rhetoric, and his ideology actually possible.


Consult the moral philosophy theory, which is widely accepted among philosophers when discussing ethics, and he is an idiot. Those who violate moral codes which are understood from birth can be branded an 'idiot'. Please put away your bleeding heart.

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Consult the moral philosophy theory, which is widely accepted among philosophers when discussing ethics, and he is an idiot. Those who violate moral codes which are understood from birth can be branded an 'idiot'. Please put away your bleeding heart.


Thanks, I remember learning it in the second week of philosophy 101... 8 years ago. Want me to tell you what you'll learn next week?

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Guest Mushijobah
Thanks, I remember learning it in the second week of philosophy 101... 8 years ago. Want me to tell you what you'll learn next week?


Nah I took it (130) 2 years ago. Apparently over that 8 years you lost what you learned. If you need a good book, I think I still have mine.

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His life must suck living on the run in caves..... If I was him I would be thinking right now, damn I could be very comfortable if I didn't open my big mouth.


no caves for bin laden. he's a rich kid w/ rich friends that keep him safe in their palaces built w/ oil and construction money. His family's business grosses 5 billion USD a year.


WASHINGTON - Osama Bin Laden isn't hiding in caves. He's almost certainly living in a cozy compound in Pakistan guarded by a few loyal fanatics, a dozen terror experts and intel officials told the Daily News.


The group of veteran Bin Laden hunters say the cave-dwelling myth is one of many tall tales about the Al Qaeda kingpin, including reports that the renegade Saudi is dying of kidney disease.


Six years after the 9/11 attacks, many Americans don't understand why he's so hard to find and kill. Frustrated agents say he skulks across some of the most hostile terrain in the world and that Pakistan refuses to let U.S. troops chase him there.


President Bush and Vice President Cheney long perpetuated the legend that Bin Laden was living in a cave to support their claims the terror mastermind had been neutralized.



from wikipedia- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Laden_family

The bin Laden family (Arabic: بن لادن), also spelled bin Ladin, is a rather wealthy family intimately connected with the innermost circles of the Saudi royal family. The family was thrown into media spotlight through the activities of one of its members, Osama bin Laden. The financial interests of the bin Laden family are represented by the Saudi Binladin Group, a global construction and equity management conglomerate grossing 5 billion U.S. dollars annually, and one of the largest construction firms in the Islamic world, with offices in London and Geneva.
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I understand he is very wealthy, but my point is he is living on the run, he cannot be too comfortable, when you have a multi million dollar price on your head dead or alive. Even Christ had Judah if you are believing christian (I am not).



he may have a bounty on his head, but he's in a region where people love him. I'm sure his shittiest "cave" dwelling isn't too shabby

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he may have a bounty on his head, but he's in a region where people love him. I'm sure his shittiest "cave" dwelling isn't too shabby


Yep but it aint Sadam's Palace neither, he could afford to own and live in something like that. I sleep well each night knowing over half the world does not mind and would like to see if someone were to put a bullet in my brain.

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Consult the moral philosophy theory, which is widely accepted among philosophers when discussing ethics, and he is an idiot. Those who violate moral codes which are understood from birth can be branded an 'idiot'. Please put away your bleeding heart.


and what did you learn about ad hominem?

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He is actually smarter than any 2 of us combined. It's hard to label an idiot a single dude who mobilized the greatest civilized power in the world into a war of attrition... as he predicted long before 9-11.


Just sayin.

Hitler did the same, so did Stalin, and Castro. Taking stupid people, making something sound good, and playing with their hearts and minds don't take too much effort. It's easy to get half of the 3rd world countries to hate us, we have money, we have running water, electricity, and a nice thing called freedom. Something they're jealous of, and that's the biggest reason they hate our "infidel" ways.

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He doesn't send suicide bombers to their death all for their religion. They aren't fighting for freedom, they weren't oppressed by us in anyway, shape or form. Their tactics are sheer cowardism. It takes no effort to set up a road side bomb and detonate it half a mile away, it takes no courage to fire around a corner, and certainly is most cowardly to fly a plane full of innocent people into MORE innocent people. I'll say this, when we did go head to head with an Al-Qaeda group, it was no contest. Man to man, we shoot better, and always have more firepower, even when the odds were 5 to 1 in THEIR favor. They're a bunch of rag tag pieces of shit that try to justify what they do with their backwards ass fucked up religion.
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